Wish this betta store...


Dog Wrangler
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Check this out:


I just want to run in there and look at all of them, right now! Get outta the way dudes, you're blocking the bettas!

Taken from here.
I think the page is pretty cool. I just borrowed one of his pics for my new avatar...is that bad? :whistle:
Looks like that site is out of business.
I think maybe it's just getting a lot of hits - the guy is an active member of a board I'm on, I think he's just over his allowable data transfer. Maybe check later.
Check out my siggy now cation :flex: Yours only have boxing gloves, mine have swords so HA!!!! :flex:
:-( God, S, can't believe you're promoting fighting bettas! :sly: look at the tail rot all those sword wounds have given those poor bettas!

:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:

Just kidding. I like the new sig, though!
Dear....sweet....Lord.... :drool:
cation said:
Check this out:


I just want to run in there and look at all of them, right now! Get outta the way dudes, you're blocking the bettas!

Taken from here.
Hi Cation,

Thank you for visiting my webpage and sorry for blocking your view of the bettas.

Cheers!!! :)
D Chia, you have an amazing website there! I really enjoyed the fish and all the information :nod: Well done :thumbs: :drool:
Well hi there! Glad you joined us, hope you don't mind me posting your picture. I made sure to link your page so everybody could see where it came from. :nod:

Hope you stick around and check out this site. I think your page is a great resource, I especially like the internal diagram of the betta.

Aw, you can stand in front of the bettas, next time just take pictures of the inside of the store too! :lol:
cation said:
I think the page is pretty cool. I just borrowed one of his pics for my new avatar...is that bad? :whistle:
No worries, Cation.

I'm glad the picture caught your attention.

Hope the avatar will help create an awareness among betta keepers and prevent cruelty to bettas.


Let's make the world a betta place for bettas.

D Chia said:
cation said:
Check this out:


I just want to run in there and look at all of them, right now! Get outta the way dudes, you're blocking the bettas!

Taken from here.
Hi Cation,

Thank you for visiting my webpage and sorry for blocking your view of the bettas.

Cheers!!! :)

good to have you here!!

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