Wish Me Luck!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kingston, NY
I'm attempting my first spawn in a couple years... Scary :) I put Kona and Tempest in the breeding tank today her in the chimney and they've been flirting for about an hour now, hes going crazy but shes playing a bit hard to get lol. Ill try and keep up to date on how they're doing! Here are a couple pics so far :)









hey hold on, why are you doing it now, you said in a couple of years :hyper: gives you time to research first :lol: only joking good luck with them
Best of luck with them....hope it all goes well for you :good:
Yeah! I second, third or fourth all of that!

Its a shame your in America otherwise I would ask if I could have dibs on some of the fry..

lol....is now a good time to mention that Im setting up a new tank....and on the hunt for another male? ^_^
Hope it goes well, just please bear in mind - pics of bettas are like bettas themselves, and we always want MORE!!!!!
Already waiting...

(He must have arrived in excellent condition! Good going.)
Hope it all goes well, but I would be worrying that it is too soon? Did you not only just get Kona, or am I getting confused because of your multiple bettas? :p
Oh my gosh I am in love with your male! And you live in the US! Do you think I could have dibs on some of your fry?! *a male and female* & yes please post more pics!
wait, why are you using cardboard/paper cup hold to support the nest....its organic its going to rot and possible release whatever chemical used in its processing into the water.

try using a styrofoam cup cut in half.
I got him a few days ago but I talked to his breeder and hes been on a diet of bloodworms and other rich foods and hes in awsome condition! And the females also in great condition. If it doesnt work out then Ill just have to condition them better next time but I have a feeling they'll be fine :)

I saw the cup holder thing and thought id try it, but i realized quickly that it wouldn't work lol :blush: I actually just put 1/2 a Styrofoam cup cut in half. And the male is quite happy :) but I took the cardboard thing out this morning.

little_mermaid if the spawn goes well you're more then welcome to some babies, but no guarentess this is my first spawn in a loooooooong time! so it might take one or two to get it right :)

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