Went to a local Walmart this weekend located in Beaver Dam Wisconsin and found the fish in an aweful condition. Five of the tanks had a major ich problem and were adressed with a yellow sticky note reading " I no feel well! ", (and yes thats how it was phrased.) Many people have complained to the management of this store includeing myslef and another forum member who lives in the same general area. Over the last year conditions had improved greatly over most other walmarts but it seems that they have completely neglected the department all together. I saw paradise gouramis who were close to pure white, and oscars who were missing whole fins due to fin rot and ich, and this wasn't even the worst of it. At the end of the department on the shelves where they keep bettas, the cups were full of this dark brown water and the whole area smelled strongly of decay. I could only locate 2 cups with live fish in them and i quickly filled new cups with fresh water and dumped them in. How you could expect people to purchase fish there let alone venture into the department at all is beyond me. Im boycotting this particular establishment and erge other area members to do the same.