just a word to the wise- all electrical installations must now be done by quallified electician, please check ur insurance policy!!!
im sure your can do your own in your house however an unquilified electritian carnt do it in somebody else' house but worth checking insurance
Thanks chris, that explains a lot. You say you wouldn't do more than 6.. Why? I have 8 plugs at the mo and I'm sure it'll only grow so I need a lot of sockets.
Basically what I'm needing is a lot of plugs which lead from one socket, is safe and if possible is individually switched. I'm completely happy to use an extension lead but I can't find anything which fits the criteria which is why I've started looking into sockets but tbh, I feel out of my depth very quickly when it comes to electrics so I'm not sure what to do..
Thanks for the heads-up dominicbeha.. I'll definitely check into that before doing any electric DIY!
there no reason as such depends on what your plugging in really. you could put 4 doubles if you want but would be better to do 2 lots of 2 sockets.
or 1 lot of 3 sockets and another lot of 2 sockets
basicly i was trying to keep stuff to a minimun to stop over loading/blowing the fuse
sorry if ive confused you