Fish Herder
Some long awaited pictures of the guppies!
use a faster shutter speed (1/200) and a flash.Sorry the pictures are so blurry! They move so fast!
This thread is to follow my journey with my endlers and my guppies. Currently I have three guppies and an unknown amount of endlers. I have always wanted Endlers but could never afford them, until I looked in the feeder fish tank and saw? ENDLERS! So I bought them for 15 cents each and nursed them to health in my tank.
I have three fancy guppies. 1 fancy lyre tail half endler half fancy guppy, 2. A ying-yang guppy who is completely white, and 3. a Tequila Sunrise guppy. Here are some photos of my endlers and my guppies
So leave your comments on my guppies! I will post more pictures soon