Winter Storm


Fish Crazy
Sep 24, 2008
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I have been going through a bad icestorm and I was wondeiring how long Harlequin rasboras and glo lite tetras can survive without filtration and a HEATER??
I lost power for 5 days on the last one.The temp in the tank only dropped to a minimum of 57,the house temp dropping to about lower to mid 40's at times. I did lose 2 glolights and a Paradise fish that was new to the tank.I unplugged everything and put a thick blanket over the tank to help keep it warm,just remember they do need some air exchange so don't seal it right up tight.
mine all survived the last ice storm without power for four days. wrap blankets around the tank. i didnt do a thing with my canister filter but it survived fine. maybe a tiny mini cycle for a day when the lights came back on but really no worse for the wear, and i didnt do anything special with the media. just left it be.
good luck!
alright the tempatures shouldnt drop more than 50 so I should be fine.

OK they are saying I might not have power for 1-3 weeks!!Will they be fine and the temp could drop lower than 50!!
ok mostly all my fish died!My parenets went to look to see if they are ok and they said that most of them are dead!!!
yeah the storm was pretty bad looks like the only thing that will survive will probabally be is my goldfish since they can live in water that is not frozen
AW MAN! So sorry about the fishes.

I'm just wondering, but what fish have died?
I hope this doesn't break your fishkeeping spirit. ): (I know it has to me, but that was a 5G tank :D)
I had alot of fish ill tell all of them
1-male betta(dont know if died yet)
1-female betta(same as other betta)
29 gallon
8-harlequin rasboras
4-peppered corys
5-glo lite tetras
1-upside down catfish
20 gallon
4-tiger barbs
2-red eye tetras
4- albanio corys
4-leapord corys
2-columbian tetras

I got quite a list of fish that died
Might turn the 20g into a tiger barb only tank!!\
Will you look at my post about re-stocking my 29 gallon
im so bummed for you...i went thru DAYS of worrying about my fish in the last sorry your story didnt turn out as happy as mine!!! all the best!
You must live near me (or the east side of the country) I'm going throught the same problem my tank got down to about 60 but my power is back on. I hope your fish do ok, and you get your power on soon :)

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