Windows Vista

lol or go back to XP! :hyper: not very constructive, but after twelve months of Vista, i still see no reason to change, from XP. and now the do a version of Direct X 10 for XP, there is even less reason.
I bought an IBM laptop with Vista and hated it so much I took it back and got an HP with XP.
I bought an IBM laptop with Vista and hated it so much I took it back and got an HP with XP.

lol they only just sorted out Bluetooth on Vista!!!!! and i have a stack of, perfectly good some very new, equipment that wont work with it. so much for backwards compatibility. cozy con with Microsoft and the manufactures to force more money out of us. shame macs are so crap (imho), and i never got on with Linux.
any clues guys please?.i wana post some new pics

If you lack real image editing software, it's still very easy to do. Open up Paint. (yes, I said Paint. It actually is useful for some things.) Open the image you want to resize, then go Image --> Resize/Skew. From there you can tell it what percent of it's original size to make it.

If you want to crop an image, use the Rectangular Selection tool to select the part you want to keep. Then go Image --> Crop and it'll chop it down to size for you.

If you get some real image editing software such as Photoshop or Fireworks, you'll have a lot more options available. But for basic resizing and cropping, Paint will do.

Hope that helps. :good:
Picator said:
If Microsoft ever created a product that did NOT suck, it would be a vacuum cleaner!!!

devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif devil.gif

Vista is a perfectly good OS if you know how to use it and have a new machine with compliant components. If you are trying to put a brand new OS on old kit you will have problems, just like when XP was released and Win2000 before that. Blaming an OS for user ignorance is a bit desperate!
Piffle and tosh! my machine was designed to run Vista, amd2x 3000, 2gb ram, 300gb hdd, dvd/cd,rw and the rest. and trust me, i know just how to use it (as a frisby lol) having spent the last twelve month trying to help people to make their, expensive machines work! An operating system that is forced onto the public should not need learning to use, though maintenances and repair will take some experience. if you need to scrap many of your bits of software and equipment, simply because Microsoft have decided you need to, who do we bother using the 086x based processors at all? if there is little or no backward compatibility, lets move to chips that were not, initially designed 30 years ago, with all the attendant problems that it brings?

XP was a case in point, many bits of equipment did not work with this, but, though it was perhaps not truly necessary, there was a REAL reason for that. as we all know it was the first truly 32 bit OS (from Microsoft), and many bits of kit were still 16 bit. this case cannot and should not be used for Vista.

Microsoft have consistently sold, expensive and buggy software to the public. it may be true there is little we can do about it. but that does not make the practice or the software good. Linux, though based on an older OS then Vista, runs rings around a Vista machine or Xp or any of the Microsoft drivel.

A sad story, BUT TRUE!
Anyone for Microsoft Bob...?

even though i feel this way a have, for the most part. been a microsoft user. though i vowed many years ago never to pay for any more of their Crap, and i have not, though operating systems tend to come with computers, i consider them free!

Microsoft started with DOS, oddly this does not stand for Disk Operating System as many think. Bill gates sold IBM the idea of DOS, though he did not have any form of operating system at the time, so he stole one, and then developed it, from a university collogue. this was DOS, which stood for Dirty Operating System. anyone who knows DOS will understand why. DOS ran from 1 to 6.22, i know someone will tell me there was a 7, that however was the base for Windows 95. it was never sold as a stand alone, but in there there was only three operating systems that actually worked. 3.3, 5 and 6.2/22. yet each one cost the princely sum of £30 plus. Windows was designed to make using a computer simpler and more intuitive, after Gates stole the idea from Apple, it is after all simply the background system to allow you computer to work. not the reason to buy a computer as Microsoft would have you think. Windows didn't work till it reached Windows for Work Groups 3.11. it stopped working again with the introduction of Windows 95. the next time it worked, sort of, was Win 98 SE. Millenium, Win 2000 and to some extent Win NT, were faulty washouts XP was a nightmare, for the 32 bit upgrades that became necessary, but was at least partially stable. and now Vista piddles it down the drain again. still who cares,Microsoft get their cut, even if the computer is not sold with any of their software. if you can get money for nothing, why do anything?: sounds like we should translate that into Latin, and hang it above every business in the west!
Aha.. i see the error within my post..

It was not a question specifically pointed in your direction, it was a general statement. I must watch mixing my bobs...

Microsoft bob was an OS interface for 95 and 3.11 and was a complete failure.. google it or wiki it.. funny odd thing.

If Microsoft ever created a product that did NOT suck, it would be a vacuum cleaner!!!

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

i love this, could i use it in signitures on some forums? i will give both the forum and your username a byline

Aha.. i see the error within my post..

It was not a question specifically pointed in your direction, it was a general statement. I must watch mixing my bobs...

Microsoft bob was an OS interface for 95 and 3.11 and was a complete failure.. google it or wiki it.. funny odd thing.

if i remember rightly, there was a rudimentary graphic front end in with Dos 5+. must admit i missed Bob though. i long for the days of DOS, when a top line word processor would weigh in at 300k, not 300gb. they were slow, that's true, but that was the chip not the OS. just imagine how fast a computer would be today, if over 50% of its power were not used to run the over sized, under performing and vastly expensive OS? If only DR DOS had not lost the race, things in the world of PC's would be very different. lol not fair to talk of DR DOS as some form of salvation saints, it was itself guilty of ripping off many elements of free dos in the mid 00's in version 8+

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