

New Member
Dec 17, 2003
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Columbus, Ohio
i was at another forum and a guy was saying that windex on the outside of the glass would go through the pores of the glass and get windex in your tank is this true?
I don't think it goes thru the glass, but the spray could become airborne and enter the water. I use an aquarium glass cleaner myself, but I'd imagine plain water would work as well.
whats windex? if it is a glass cleaner, it should be safe as long as you don't spray it near the tank as the vapour may get into the tank.

ste :)
whats windex? if it is a glass cleaner, it should be safe as long as you don't spray it near the tank as the vapour may get into the tank.

Yes, windex is a type of glass cleaner. It's used for getting smudges, etc. off of glass surfaces (such as windows).
I'd say that if you spray it on the cloth or paper towel rather than the glass itself, it should be fine. :)

I was wondering that myself too a while back. definitly a good question to ask!
I use another brand (but really like it), by spraying it on a paper towel. My fish and corals seem to be doing fine.

So long as you don't go trying to clean the inside of the tank with it . . . :p
i use mr muscle glass cleaner for my tanks... my lfs told me not too as even sprayed on the cloth/towle can enter the tank....

seems to be workin fine for me anyways... i spray it on the clotch in the kitchen and then go into the livin room and give it a good ol scrub....

even used furniture polish once... but my tank dazzled so much that i hated the look of it

all sparkle sparkle
Armorall makes a one step glass cleaner called Glass Wipes. If you have children, it looks like the moist cloths that you wipe little butts with. Its streak free and works great, and you dont have to worry about it getting into the tank!
I think we get warned about glass cleaner on the tanks:
1) as you said the spray could get in and that would be bad as Window cleaner is amonia bassed I believe.
2) it remains on the glass and can get on your hands then you put your hands in the tank...

I recently gave up with RO only on a towl. I use windex now and try to be extra careful. It is significantly cleaner looking.

glass cleaner will not go through glass any more than water... HO2 is a pretty small molocule as it is...
thanks for all the replies . i dont spray it on the glass i spray it on a towel and then whipe the glass with the towel.
You shouldn't use Windex, the fumes can easily get into a tank and can be bad. If a towel and water is not enough, you can use white vinigar, it wont hurt your fish if it gets in the water. :)
I used to have 2 fresh water tanks. I always used vinegar and water on them, when I started cleaning my salt tank I did the same It's organic and cleans well I had also heard through the years that cleaning products will seep through the glass pores. I don't think it's just a "spray or not" issue. You still have to touch the tank and then the food or water chemicals will leave some residue on the glass :no:

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