Will water in a container in the aquarium stagnate..?


Fish Herder
Apr 5, 2021
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I’m going to put a Teapot in my aquarium and have a plant growing out of the top…thinking Anubias as a close to the surface resting space for Blue… I’ve googled for hours and can’t get an answer to whether the water in the teapot with get stagnant or stale. If I filled the teapot with gravel would that be better or cause other issues..?

Thanks in advance🙂
Is the tea pot going to be sealed up or how is it going to be set up?

If there is water flowing through the tea pot it will be fine.
If there is going to be aquarium water in the tea pot and no new water gets in, then it will become anaerobic (lacking oxygen) and become toxic. The anaerobic bacteria will also turn the inside of the pot black.
Is the tea pot going to be sealed up or how is it going to be set up?

If there is water flowing through the tea pot it will be fine.
If there is going to be aquarium water in the tea pot and no new water gets in, then it will become anaerobic (lacking oxygen) and become toxic. The anaerobic bacteria will also turn the inside of the pot black.
The plan was to just ‘sink’ the teapot, but, even with the slight water movement caused by the filter I don’t think it will make any difference to the water in the pot…

I think I’m going to try and make some holes in the back of the pot (which might help) and if making the holes doesn’t work I’ll have an open bottomed teapot 😂😂
Either drill holes in the back of fill the pot with gravel and put the plant in the gravel. It will be anaerobic but there won't be much water in it due to the gravel.
Drilling holes failed, my very old rechargeable drill just didn’t make a mark, so, YouTubes other suggestion was to use a nail and when you hit it with a hammer you’ll get w hole but not as controlled as using a drill….

Well, there is a hole, it’s taken the whole of the bottom of the teapot out 😂, I’ve rigged up a little airline with minimal bubbles just to keep the water moving.

Not sure if I like it 🤦‍♀️, it might go back to my usual, haphazard jungle look… I’ll give it a few days to see if it grows on me…
it depends on what you mean by Stagnate For your se5up (just a plant in container of water. No pump is needed Any spot in the container develops nutrient deficiency or gas deficiency will naturally disappear due to diffusion . Diffusion. This a slow process so we use pumps in aquariums However over time the plant will remove all the nutrients it can from the water until there is nothing left. At that point the plant will stop growing and will wait until more nutrients become available. At that point the onlysolutioin is to replaces the water or to add fertilzier. Anubias does verywellis a glass of water as long at the water is replaces occasionally and as long as your tp water has some nutrients. It willl eventually die if you use pure water.
Update, the tea pot and cop and saucer is growing on me! Not quite as elegant as the Japanese version I saw, but I’m liking to look at the moment.

My anubias has flowered and I’ve added a stem plant that I’ve just left floating, it happened by error in my guppy tank and the roots are really pretty and I though Blue would like it.

The tank itself is stunningly beautiful, from NACD Aquatics, although the tank is really well made their customer services and communications are appalling.

Here are a couple of photos from yesterday… 50BB74DF-6E73-459F-87B0-15D2CBA0F75F.jpeg6F97364E-03D9-4056-9536-229269598FE9.jpeg
I have concerns about the spout on the teapot. Fish sometimes go down holes like that and can't get out. If the spout is open at both end and there is water in the teapot, it's not a big issue, but is the teapot is full of gravel, it would concern me.
I have concerns about the spout on the teapot. Fish sometimes go down holes like that and can't get out. If the spout is open at both end and there is water in the teapot, it's not a big issue, but is the teapot is full of gravel, it would concern me.
Oh…I think Blue is too big to go down the spout, the teapot is full of water and I put an airline through the bottom of the teapot so the water in the pot won’t go stagnant. At the bottom of the spout, where it joins the pot, it has little holes…

I will keep a very close eye on him until I work out how I can block to spout…
You should enter your tank in the Tank of the Month contest. You’d get votes for your ingenuity.
This looks very cool, a lot of postapocalyptic - I was just having my tea here and look, the world ended, flooded and now is submerged. Very nice

Just be careful if you are taking it out to never ever tip it over to the tank, there will be detritus, maybe even pockets of gas inside the teapot or the cup (would be my suspicion)

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