2 tigerbabrbs <-- should be in groups of 5 or more
2 swordtails <--- 1 male per 2 females minimum, 3 females ideally
2 platies <-- same as above
2 mollies <--- again same as above
2 sharks <--- what ones? Bala, Rainbow, Redtail, Irridescent? I don't think any of these could go in a 10 gallon even alone
2 angelfish <--- 30 gallon minimum each.
1 plecostomus <--- Only the smallest ones could go in a 10 gallon and those are expensive and sensitive fish
No sharks can go in a ten gallon tank. I agree with Teelie 100% on that and everything else he said.
Why don't you either go with a group of platies, mollies, or swordtails?
Personally I think that a ten gallon is too small for a group of five or more Tiger Barbs. They prefer a lot of open swimming space.
Or, if you like the tiger barbs, get only tiger barbs, and a group of them. I otherwise agree, no sharks, or angels at all. A 10 gallon tank is much to small (many "sharks" need 90+ gallons). And be careful with plecos, as was mentioned make sure you get one that stays small (that rules out the common pleco, for example). Perhaps three cory cats instead? They don't eat algea but they are fantastic little fish.