Will this work? DIY Betta dividers

You definitely do not want anything rusty in your tank if the separator is strong and has holes in it pretty small. Made out of plastic it would probably be fine i would just buy one personally but do what you want:)
The price they want for them is ridiculous! Especially if you can make them for just a few dollars.
The price they want for them is ridiculous! Especially if you can make them for just a few dollars.
^that. i made 3 sketchy dividers and a breeder box for like $4, the dividers at petsmart here are like $16 and the breeder boxes $12.... like i said work cut my hours a lot. I'm a full time College student (yes even in summer trying to get my degree early) so I'm pretty much living hand to mouth until fall semester at which point i get paid to go to college. So cant spend my money on over priced big box store crap... Got to work the best i can with what i got cause bills arent going to pay themselves and my car payment takes priority over the fish atm.

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