Will this tank work


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Aug 13, 2005
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i have a 55 gal tank and i plan to get
2 Angels (small ones)
1 Blue Crayfish
(maybe a ropefish)
i like the albino rainbow shark alot too so will the RTBS be teratorial with the albino Rainbow shark.

Also will a bosmans rainbow go in there 2 or will it get killed or beat up
Also 2 moon lit gouramis
so will this all go together or not if it does not tell which cant go together thanx in advance
No, this tank will not work. It might help to do some research on the fish before you ask if it will work. First of all, a 55 gallon tank is only 13 inches deep, and the ropefish grows to 3 feet. Did you know that? Also, blue crayfish are predatory and will kill your fish. Crayfish do best in species tanks.In total, you have approximately 75 inches of fish in this tank, and many of the combinations you have created will result in disaster. Now go do some research yourself before you ask us if this ill-planned brainstorm will "work".
what about no rope fish or crayfish and the tank is 20inches deep 12.75inches wide and 48inches length
i just measured it now
I agree with alabaster mostly but I think if you skip the ropefish and crayfish it will probably work.
so do u think this will work
2 angels
2 boesemai rainbows
2 moon light gouramis
1 other gourami
alabaster said:
No, this tank will not work. It might help to do some research on the fish before you ask if it will work. First of all, a 55 gallon tank is  only 13 inches deep, and the ropefish grows to 3 feet. Did you know that? Also, blue crayfish are predatory and will kill your fish. Crayfish do best in species tanks.In total, you have approximately 75 inches of fish in this tank, and many of the combinations you have created will result in disaster. Now go do some research yourself before you ask us if this ill-planned brainstorm will "work".

chill the hell out

i believe ropefish are brackish water fish, could be wrong and crayfish are not very good companions with fish

but ditch those 2 and i see no problems although i'd switch the RTBS with a Rainbow Shark but that's just personal preference, be careful with the ABk as well as they are predetors and will eat whatever they can fit in their mouths
No, this tank will not work. It might help to do some research on the fish before you ask if it will work. First of all, a 55 gallon tank is only 13 inches deep, and the ropefish grows to 3 feet. Did you know that? Also, blue crayfish are predatory and will kill your fish. Crayfish do best in species tanks.In total, you have approximately 75 inches of fish in this tank, and many of the combinations you have created will result in disaster. Now go do some research yourself before you ask us if this ill-planned brainstorm will "work".
Excuse me? Please treat other members like you would want to be treated. They came here, and sure they could of researched the fish first, but thats what this place is for, too. They can come here and ask if they don't want to find out from another site. I think its great he came here first without buying the fish and THEN asking us if they could go together.

Guitar17- I can't help you with the other fish, but I do know there is no such thing as a "small angelfish". They all get quite large. I think 6"+?
Be careful with that RTBS as they can be very aggressive...but the gouramis might keep him in line, they did in my tank. He was not a problem at all until I took the gouramis out. Once they were out, he took over their territory and started chasing anything that got near it (guess he wanted that castle really bad).

Also, once those Angels get big, they get aggressive and need their on tank I believe. Someone will correct me if im wrong..

Good Luck B)

EDIT: Like Meg said, Im glad you are asking first. I didnt do that and I had to exchange some fish...
Guys, you have to calm down, don't bash alabaster. Just trying to help.

The African Brown Knife will probably eat everything in the tank, and i dont think it should bein a 55

If you really like the look of ropefish, a good alternative would be a senegal bichir. They only get about 12" and would be well suited to a tank that size, assuming none of the tankmates are small enogh to fit in their mouths :lol:

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