Will This Be Ok Stocking A 400 Litre


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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could i have a fuzzy dwarf lion fish currently 1-2 inches with a 2-3 inch maroon clown a 2-3 inch sail fin tang a 3-4 inch pink cheeked goby a 1-2 inch blue damsel and three 3/4-1 inch cromis and a anemone softies and leather coral
and a couple of hermit crabs a pin cusion urchin and a blue starfish also is this over stocked and could i add a worm goby
ok will the chromis get eaten when they and the lion are adults as there fine now but dont know about later on
I think the tank is too small for a sailfin tang, they are active fish that need a lot of swimming room. I think the chromis would probably get eaten. So would the damsel.
yeah i know the tang will have to be rehomed and is it a no no on the lion fish thing then
the chromis and the damsil and the tang will be rehomed at one point
Having seen a 2" Volitans Lion fish make lunch of a £30 1.5" wrasse of some form, I'd say that the Clowns, Chromis and damsel are all potentially on the menu for your Fuzzy Dwarf if you don't keep him well fed now, or later on when he's grown a bit.... :crazy:

That's about all I can realy offer to the convo though. Watching with interest....
The lion fitting something in it's mouth,very true,my brother had a large volitan we caught and it swam around with a fish in it's mouth for two days that was to big for it and just spat it out very dead after that time.

There is a rule of thumb to numbers in a tank,but that is not always right.
If they are not stressing about the size of their home it is all good.

I had 17 fish of many varieties in a 2 foot tank and had no worries for years.
The main problem was one here and there would try to jump out.

the main thing i noticed was that there growth rate slowed a lot.
Infact the semi i caught at a fingernail size took ten years to get to four and a half inches with adult colour.

It does deform their growth and possibly make them live far longer,if they are moved on as they get to big for the tank,it would make sense.
That tank had filtration that would sustain an eight footer,that was the main thing that kept them all healthy.

The next tank back than was a 4 footer and once matured it had 37 fish and a huge amount of inverts and it did great.

It is the bio filtration and personality (species)matching to get a mosltly stress free tank.

I caught a 6 inch volitan three days ago for the next show that the club sets up called the petacular and the next day it had the coris wrasse from the same trip in its mouth and it was bigger than it,dumb fish and i was as well for having anything in with an untried volitan.
two t8s and two t5s but ive had it for 4-6 months and has thrived and grown a few inches so it should be ok

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