You're correct about the RO/DI topoff. Heres a quick list of sump benefits
Increased total water volume - This dilutes your water of accumulating pollutants, and helps avoid issues that occur quickly in sumpless tanks.
Skims the surface - Helps remove surface scum for crystal clear water.
Lowers temperature - An applicable concern if Halide lighting is used.
Hides equipment - Heaters, protein skimmers, monitoring probes, grounding probes and more can be moved to the sump & out of the display tank to keep your tank looking more like a reef and less like a machine.
Consistent water level - The display tank will maintain the same water level all the times; evaporation only effects the water level in the sump over time.
Safe place to pour in additives - Adding chemicals or new (Reverse Osmosis De-Ionized) water in the sump allows it to mix before entering the display tank.
Increased circulation - The return water from the sump is yet another way to move water in your tank. You can point the return outlet(s) in different directions to create flow, instead of putting more powerheads in your display tank
Increased oxygenation - As water drains into your sump, air mixes in the water, allowing beneficial gas exchange, releasing CO2 and adding fresh O2.