Will These Fish Fit My Tank

Welcome to the forum Fishy Wonders.
You are looking at a very heavy stocking if you have more than about 8 fish the size of the ones you have been asking about. A 10 gallon tank is not bad as a home for small fish but the numbers need to be kept fairly low to avoid too much work maintaining it. Once the numbers start to go up, it takes too many large water changes to maintain the water in good condition. If you really wanted several of several different fish, I would start by looking at tanks at least twice the size of the one you have been looking at.
When it comes to cycling, forget the 2 weeks estimate. I have yet to see a decent cycle take much less than a month unless the person had access to some mature filter media to give them a head start. There is a thread on how to fishless cycle a tank and another on how to do a fish-in cycle. I have a link to each in my signature area.
Welcome to the forum Fishy Wonders.
You are looking at a very heavy stocking if you have more than about 8 fish the size of the ones you have been asking about. A 10 gallon tank is not bad as a home for small fish but the numbers need to be kept fairly low to avoid too much work maintaining it. Once the numbers start to go up, it takes too many large water changes to maintain the water in good condition. If you really wanted several of several different fish, I would start by looking at tanks at least twice the size of the one you have been looking at.
When it comes to cycling, forget the 2 weeks estimate. I have yet to see a decent cycle take much less than a month unless the person had access to some mature filter media to give them a head start. There is a thread on how to fishless cycle a tank and another on how to do a fish-in cycle. I have a link to each in my signature area.

hello oldman47 would about 5 male guppies be okay and about the cycling my mum has cycled her tank in our living room so maybe i could use some of her bacteria.
Welcome to the forum Fishy Wonders.
You are looking at a very heavy stocking if you have more than about 8 fish the size of the ones you have been asking about. A 10 gallon tank is not bad as a home for small fish but the numbers need to be kept fairly low to avoid too much work maintaining it. Once the numbers start to go up, it takes too many large water changes to maintain the water in good condition. If you really wanted several of several different fish, I would start by looking at tanks at least twice the size of the one you have been looking at.
When it comes to cycling, forget the 2 weeks estimate. I have yet to see a decent cycle take much less than a month unless the person had access to some mature filter media to give them a head start. There is a thread on how to fishless cycle a tank and another on how to do a fish-in cycle. I have a link to each in my signature area.

hello oldman47 would about 5 male guppies be okay and about the cycling my mum has cycled her tank in our living room so maybe i could use some of her bacteria.


Just 5 male guppies would be fine in your little tank. You could perhaps have a few more - maybe 7 or 8 - if you kept it to jusy guppies. Personally, I think neon tetras and cherry barbs need a slightly larger tank and I wouldn't keep them with the guppies anyway.

As for cycling - if you could take a piece of sponge or ceramic rings out of your mums tank and put them into your filter at the same time as adding a small number of fish, then your tank will already be cycled. It is the media from the filter that your are cycling so mature media = cycled tank. However, you can't take too much from your mum's tank without affecting her fish (I wouldn't take any more than 1/3 and I would always replace the used media with some new stuff to make sure the bacteria can keeo growing) and if you add too many fish at once to your tank, you might have problems. I'd start with 3 male guppies and a chunk of mature media.

Just make sure your mum's tank is several months old, or older. If it's only a few weeks old it wouldn't be safe to take her media as her tank will still be a little unstable.

Have a read of the information on cycling and setting up new tanks here - http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/277264-beginners-resource-center/
Assaye has given some good advice on the cycling there. I personally like the neons but my water is really not suitable for them, so I don't have any. They are also not recommended for a newly established tank because they do much better in a mature tank.
hi i have thought could i have half a dozen cherry barbs in my tank????????????????????????????????
fishy wonders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once things are well established, you could probably get by with that many cherry barbs, with nothing else in the tank, if you add them to the tank over a period of a few weeks.
Hello i stopped getting replies please can you keep me up to date on the latest fish gossip. :lol: :lol: :lol:
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
also im not still sure on whether i will be able to have 5 or 6 cherry barbs in my tank. :lol: :lol: :lol:
fishy wonders :drool: :cool: :drool: :cool:
Has other peeps have said,you could get away with just 6 cherry barbs and nothing else OR 6-8 male guppies on their own.
Or if you want various fish,you'd be better off getting smaller types like pygmys or small tetras,embers,glowlights or galaxy rasboras etc...

Depends what your lfs stock...

personally like others have mentioned putting cherry barbs with guppies would end in disaster with possible fin ripping from the barbs...

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