Will These 4 Plecs Be Ok In My Tank?


Live life, don't let it live you!
Feb 21, 2006
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Darlington, England, United Kingdom
Ok, I have a 20Gal UK tank, and today I went out with my dad and bought 2 BN plecs, but what I never knew is my mam also went (parents have split up and tanks at mams house (my house)), and she bought 2 pitbull plecs, would these be ok in my 20G tank? It is over filtered with a fluval 2 running and a brand new fluval 3+ set at highest pressure but facing towards back to stop a very high current.
I know plecos are very messy animals but I can keep ontop of water changes.
I think your tank may be too small for all 4. BNs grow to about 5-6", and Pitbull Plecs are smaller (2"), but even so 20g is probably too small. :-(
Even if it's overfiltered and I keep ontop of water changes? It will have plenty of caves so I doubt there will be aggresion or anything and plants, they are all only very small now, so you never know by the time they are adults I might have a new tank, but I think that would be a deffinate no-no! If they show signs of being uncomfortable or anything when they are adults, i'm positive my LFS will take them in.

I think that all 4 may be pushing the limit, plecs are real poop machines. You may be able to keep up with the tank maintainance short term, but it will eventually become a chore. My advice would be to keep one BN or 2 Pitbulls but not all 4.
if you do keep ontop of water chnges and filter maintenance, you will be find ;)

we used to breed BN's in a 15us... a big filter and a lot of water changes and they were fine
It's a 20 UK, so it's quite a bit bigger than a 15 US. A fluval 3 is more than enough for a tank of that size, it's for something like up to 130L, and I do water changes every Sunday, or if I see my fish acting strangely. :good:
It's a 20 UK, so it's quite a bit bigger than a 15 US. A fluval 3 is more than enough for a tank of that size, it's for something like up to 130L, and I do water changes every Sunday, or if I see my fish acting strangely. :good:

thats 90L so nearly twice the size ;)

make sure you have some nice hiding places.

The pitbulls will not really bother but the bristlenoses will like a cave ;)

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