Will Soaking Vegies In Garlic Stink Out The Tank?


Jan 8, 2007
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I dont think my bristlenose is eating his vegies properly and was just wondering if I soak them in garlic first, will it stink out my tank like garlic?

No it shouldn't stink out the tank, what veg/food are you feeding the pleco and how often? How large is the bristlenose and is there any algae in the tank?
Only feeding him zuchini at the moment and peas.

He is 7cm long, only a bub.

No visible algae in tank but you see him go from place to place sucking.
Hes probably getting all he needs. I'm asuming you are shelling the peas?
If hes a bit fussy , try blanched cucumber. Put in a small container with a bit of water then zap till the water just boils. this should also make it sink. Its obviously not quite as good as fresh veggies but the plecs seem to enjoy it more especially the babys as its easier to eat and digest.

And personally I wouldnt go down the garlic route but that only my personal opinion.

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