Will my neons continue to hide?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Sheffield, England
I have just added 5 black widow tetras to my aquarium, I wanted some fish a little bit bigger. However my neon tetras have taken to hiding behind the back of the plants, where as last week they were swimming in the open.

I am assuming they are nervous about their larger cousins, even though the black widows take absolutely no notice of them. I intend to get another 4 neons so they will feel safer in a bigger shoal. However will they eventually learn and come back out into the open again?

Another observation is that my white clouds and neons used to shoal together, but now there seems to be strict species shoaling, the white clouds having moved towards the top of the tank.

Also glad to see my white clouds have fully regained their colour following their introduction, much darker with bright red fins.
I suspect the Neons will come out again when they have got used to the fact the BW's aren't really a threat.
also they do tend to be happier in a bigger group!!! getting 4 more is a good idea if you have the room :D
Over the last few weeks they have become increasingly brave, at least 3 of them, which are always around and the other 4 come into the open at feeding time and hang about for a bit afterwards.

Then we all go to bed.

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