I dont know why people say dwarf puffers are extremely aggressive and that they attack everything that moves!
I have a planted community setup with cherry shrimp, rasboras, a bristlenose pleco, corys and dwarf loaches and my dwarf puffers dont attack anyone apart from eachother which is to be expected. I will mention that the corys do from time to time have veryyy small nips but thats because they sit around all day hardly moving.
I even have some zebra snails in the tank with them.
I have to admit when thet were firt put in to the tank they were abit more aggresive but no to the extent that people on this site make out to be..
FYI I have 5 in a 18 gall tank
I have a planted community setup with cherry shrimp, rasboras, a bristlenose pleco, corys and dwarf loaches and my dwarf puffers dont attack anyone apart from eachother which is to be expected. I will mention that the corys do from time to time have veryyy small nips but thats because they sit around all day hardly moving.
I even have some zebra snails in the tank with them.
I have to admit when thet were firt put in to the tank they were abit more aggresive but no to the extent that people on this site make out to be..
FYI I have 5 in a 18 gall tank