ok guys i have a small tank with 2 dwarf puffs in it (and a white mountin minnow (dont ask)) that needs shutting down so my question is will these little guys be ok in my community tank?
the stocking of it is
8 platys of various flavours
3 glolight danios
5 ottos
1 german ram (silly dollop of a fish this one who shoals with the platys)
1 BN plec
6 amano shrimp
1 dwarf frog
now i know its a strange stocking but ATM everything seems good and dandy and everything gets on with one another but like i said the DP tank has to go.
sadly i know that they arnt really considered friendly fish but these 2 seem to be quite tame, they dont attack each other or the WMM that lives with them.
my community tank is VERY well planted in so much as it looks like a jungle so what do we reckon? try it and see or figure out plan 2?
the stocking of it is
8 platys of various flavours
3 glolight danios
5 ottos
1 german ram (silly dollop of a fish this one who shoals with the platys)
1 BN plec
6 amano shrimp
1 dwarf frog
now i know its a strange stocking but ATM everything seems good and dandy and everything gets on with one another but like i said the DP tank has to go.
sadly i know that they arnt really considered friendly fish but these 2 seem to be quite tame, they dont attack each other or the WMM that lives with them.
my community tank is VERY well planted in so much as it looks like a jungle so what do we reckon? try it and see or figure out plan 2?