Will My Cat Terrorise My Fish To Death?


My mum has 3 cats and they all ignore the tank. They are only interested in it is when I’m doing a water change. Neo will drink the dirty water extracted from the tank. Yuk! Btw, mum's cats are probably to snobby to take any notice anyway (they won't eat chicken, turkey)
My cat has never shown the slightest interest in my tank. But then, who knows what happens when we're in kip?.
Hi Amy86,

My cat, Pandora, was raised among my tanks. She enjoys watching the fish and will only drink her water from the tanks, not a bowl.

that is such a cute picture!

my new tank is an object of endless fascination for my cats (zelda and artemis). artemis parks herself on the coffee table and watches the fish for hours on end, but is most interested when i pull out the fish food!

zelda, on the other hand, is much less passive and stretches herself as long as her short little legs will let her in order to bat at the fish when they swim along the bottom. one of my golden barbs seems to want to be friends with zelda and will swim back and forth to make zelda jump! :rolleyes:
I'm so glad you asked this question! I recently got my first fish (a betta) and my spoiled kitty seems to think that I bought him just to entertain him. :rolleyes:
He has a nice secure lid, so I guess I won't have to be so paranoid now hehe!

And since I have one handy, here is a pic of the pairs first meeting:


Just hope the cat dont get in. I cant see a poblem with it. Aslong as the cat is not tying to get in 24/7 then the fish will be fine lol.

And inchworm you cats dead cute! lol
well when i had goldfish in my 40 litre tank my cat missy(name + nature) was always knocking the feeding flap off of the tank and pawing at the fish, so when i bought my new tank my brother(the moron) agreed to put the tank and goldfish in his room, so now my fish are now permanently undettered. :rolleyes:
just be very careful during cleaning etc. my cats love to watch Bing and Bong the puffers and also like the warmth but........Billy (who I thought wsn't in the room) jumped up whilst I had my arm in the tank - he went straight in the tank, one very sorry looking Bengal :crazy:

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