Will My Cat Terrorise My Fish To Death?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
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South-East, UK
Ok this may sound like a stupid question!! basically there is no way my cat would be able to get at the fish because there are sliding glass covers and a hood lid. BUT will the sight of his furry face pressed up against the glass be enough to make the fish die of shock? or will they ignore him?? My cat is called sid vicious because of his nature :X and im quite sure when there are fish in the tank he will be keeping a very close eye on them!!

is he gonna have to be banished from the room forever! he wont be happy !! :no:

Just wondered what other peoples cats were like with their tanks?
I think your fish will be just fine. My cats sleep on top of the tank ( i guess the light makes it nice and warm!), and Mollie thinks its her very own TV! She particularly enjoys feeding time.

(I've posted a photo somewhere of Mollie and the fishes somewhere on this site, but can't upload it on this forum for some reason!)

Only problem I ever had with the cats, and it was entirely my own fault, I had some fishes in a quarantine tank in my bedroom, with really flimsy lid, I thought if I kept the door closed I'd be safe.... you can guess the rest :no: the phone rang, then 5 fish became 4, and there was a cat with wet paws.
My cats will occasionally "attack" my tanks and the fish couldn't care less. At first they'll dart to the back of the tank, but after a few seconds they'll all come forward to investigate. In fact, my mbuna seem to think the cats going to feed them so they all follow where ever the cat moves. Of course mbuna think everything is food. :rolleyes:
My cat thinks it is his own personal TV show too! He loves to watch them. He paws at the tank now and then and the platties just follow his paws around. I think if they could talk they would be saying "NaaNaaNaa you can't get us!!" They watch the cat , the cat watches them and I watch them watch each other! Its all good! :p
Initially the cat didn't realize that there was anything in the fish tank. It took it about a week to realize that there were fish in there. Once that happened she started to paw at the fish whenever they would come to the front of the tank. Recently, she has figured out that her efforts are futile and now just falls asleep watching the fish. It's quite entertaining to watch the cat try to catch the fish.

Just a side note, there is no way that the cat can get to the fish, in my case so I didn't see anything wrong in letting the cat into the room with the fish.

If the lid etc. wasn't as sturdy as it is I would be concerned about either a cat in the water or fish in the cat.
My cats totally ignore the tanks now. For a couple of weeks they were fascinated by the tanks but pay no attention to them now other than sleeping behind them.
My cat, which I am very suprised because he is a siamese, and they are born hunters, takes no notice of my tank at all.

And my parents 2 burmese never took any notice of my betta when I had one when I used to live at home.

Every cat is different I think, but I think the cat fishing the gold fish out of the fish bowl in the movies or on the add's is a bit made up just for tv.
My neighbours cat sometimes comes into our house, when he saw my aquarium he went up to it and stared inside in a kinda "what are you" way and the fish swam up to the glass in a kinda "what are you" way aswell. No fear just curiousity.

I dont think fish are born scared of cats, compair a small fluffy cat looking thru the glass at them too a 5-6ft human beings thudding footsteps coming up on them and a human face looking in! if they arnt scared by a human watching them they wont be scared by a cat.
My cat (an Oriental) loves to sit on MY tank viewing chair and watch the fish swimming around, I think it lull's him off to sleep as he's usually asleep within minutes of sitting down to watch!
My cat loves all my tanks, he has four 'channels' to choose from - the dogs love them too.

They all have secure lids however, as a kid i did experience on several occasions the 'oh look cat has wet legs...... oh look we have no goldfish any more.......' thing - youd have thought my parents would invest in a lid for the tank......... ho hum.
A friend of mine has multiple tanks & multiple cats. They have each chosen their own tank to lay on, it's a nice warm place. Cats & fish don't bother each other.
o thats good i'm glad to hear i won't have to kick him out. he acts like the lord of the house as it is and would of been most disgusted if i had shut him out!!

Thanks guys
I hate you all! :angry:

I currently rent my flat and my landlady won't let me have pets (appart from fish of course, because for some reason they don't count ;))

I *really* want to get a cat. :sad:
i'm sure one day you will be able to get one, until then think of all the scars you're saving yourself (my cat can be a hooligan, hes favourite pastime is ambushing you from under the bed which involves scratched legs!! oww)

just to make you really jealous i have a dog and 3 horses too !! :p
I hate you all! :angry:

I currently rent my flat and my landlady won't let me have pets (appart from fish of course, because for some reason they don't count ;))

I *really* want to get a cat. :sad:

We're not allowed pets either. But there's an easy around this with cats. We don't own them, they own us. So really, who are the pets?!

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