Will Kribs Ever "un-pair"?


Dec 29, 2008
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I bought a pair of Klugei over a week ago. You can see them here. They were sold as a pair and for the first week stayed very close to one other. Within the past several days, the female has begun her 'dance.' The male has been chasing her around and they aren't spending much time together anymore (I think she's wearing him out :lol:). Everytime he comes near her, she throws her belly in his face and he chases her away, so I'm not sure if he's just irritated with her? Is it possible for them to un-pair, or is this all part of the spawning activity? I have seen both of them (at different times) hang around 2 different cave-like areas in the tank.

I'm not expecting them to spawn tomorrow or anything, but I was just curious since the behavior changed.
Personally,... I don't think so.... It's just a question of getting the both of 'em "ripe" at the same time.....
Personally,... I don't think so.... It's just a question of getting the both of 'em "ripe" at the same time.....

That makes sense. There's been some suspicion that he's younger than she is (although he still is larger), and that may be playing into it.
Personally,... I don't think so.... It's just a question of getting the both of 'em "ripe" at the same time.....

That makes sense. There's been some suspicion that he's younger than she is (although he still is larger), and that may be playing into it.

Unless, the LFS lied to you......
She is trying to mate with him. Just give them time. Basically, the female is saying " HEY YOU! LOOK HOW BIG AND COLORFUL I AM! IM BOUND TO HAVE GOOD EGGS!". He just isnt buying it yet.
Unless, the LFS lied to you......

Wouldn't be the first time! ;)

She is trying to mate with him. Just give them time. Basically, the female is saying " HEY YOU! LOOK HOW BIG AND COLORFUL I AM! IM BOUND TO HAVE GOOD EGGS!". He just isnt buying it yet.

She sure thinks she's something! :lol:

Thanks for the comments. I guess I was just being paranoid.
But, if they were sold to you by the lfs as a "pair",.... there should be no courting going on.... That's my point!
Well, the male isn't chasing her around every time she comes near him now. Her belly is really starting to color up and he doesn't seem quite as annoyed with her. :lol: I've also noticed some color changes in him as well. They're pretty much back to how they were when I first got them -- spending a lot of time around each other.
In my tank, I had 2 adult kribs and a juvenile. the 2 adults paired up and bred. Then, a few months later I added 2 more adults and 1 more juvenile. I now have 3 male and 3 female. The original male paired up with the new female and the original female paired with the new male. Interesting to watch!

I rescaped after adding the new fish. I mean drastically rescaped.

The behavior you describe sounds normal. Something to the effect of the female trying to establish territorry/a place to breed.

How big is your tank?
The male will chase the female as this shows his dominance. If he is shown to be weak etc. then the female won't breed with him. The shimmering thing is her way of attracting his attention :) If they are hanging about your caves then when they are ready, they will spawn in one of them.
Have you seen them digging? Although they will dig more in sand, they will also deepen caves that have gravel by picking up the pieces one at a time, or in sand by taking mouthfuls and spitting them out.

But, if they were sold to you by the lfs as a "pair",.... there should be no courting going on.... That's my point!

My kribs have spawned twice as of yesterday :)hyper:) and even in between their 1st and 2nd when they weren't breeding, the female was showing off to him and he was flaring at her and chasing her.

Good luck!


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