Will It Work

thanks for the suggestion but i dont really like that fish much. clowns are what really got my in to marine tanks. i like the black and white percs best followed by the black onyx(which cost 150 bucks on liveaqauria.com :S ) then the true percs and ocellaris clowns.
I wouldnt bother getting 2 clowns, maybe get a goby or a blenny as well as the clown. This is unless you just want 2 clowns and a large anenome, but remember alot of anenomes like the atlantics and carpets can grow huge, bubble anenomes and even things like torch corals can be hosted quite happily by clowns, but actually they have been seen to host any number of corals, and even things like powerheads! A couple of shrimps would go in a 10G aswell along with a couple of hermits and snails.

In a 10G could either have an internal small skimmer, or an external hang on one. As said earlier you can make one yourself, either using a coke bottle with some tubing and an airpump/stone, or you can make a simple box design out of acrylic, if you have a search on the internet, you will find links to diy skimmers.

5 Gals maybe pushing it slightly,
we have a pair of common clowns along with a false gramma in out tank and ours is 25 gallons, Thats us and 21 Uk g, a good bit of live rock in there and a shrimp too, This is not a bad size to go for and is not too heavy IMO.

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