Will It Work


I am Nemo!!
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
i was just wondering if this doable. i understand that i will constantly need to moniter the water and keep up on the maintance. if so i was thinking of about 7lbs of live rock and 7lbs of live argonite sand with a powerhead that has a flow rate of 150 gph. stocking would be 1 black and white perc, 1 cleaner shrimp, 3 hermits, and 3 snails(not sure what type yet) and eventually 1 or 2 of these nano corals packs found here
its workable but you will need to monitorit closely.

i would cut back on he sand. 7 lbs sounds alot for a tank of this size, you dont want teh sand any deeper than 2 i nches. i would like to see it less than 1 inch for a tank this size.
wow thats awsome. that cuts done on the money i need to start a marine tank. incase you dont know ive been researching a fair amount and chac has helped me lot early on. i wil cut done on sand then.....around 4-5lbs would work right? will checking the water stats, the sg, and the temp every morning and night good enough or do i have to check more often.....temp i know should be checked more than 2 times a day. another question: are fan worms good or bad for begginers. i like this one a lot.
Yes you can do it, but once you have that clown in there you are going to have to get your LFS to ban you from buying anything other than the odd mushroom or yellow polyps maybe.

5 gallons is very small, most people will tell you far too small for a clown fish, and i'd be inclined to agree, although my b&w percula clown is only in a 15Gallon so even my tank isnt perfect.

Having said this, yes it can be done, but you are going to have to be religious about water testing and water changing, and possibly make, or shop around for a tiny protein skimmer (you can make your own hang on skimmer for under £30 ($40-50).

how exactly would i make a skimmer? what materials would i need? will the skimmer be that important?

edit: i almost forgot, is acrylic ok for marine or should i use class.

Yes you can do it, but once you have that clown in there you are going to have to get your LFS to ban you from buying anything other than the odd mushroom or yellow polyps maybe.

:lol: i agree. its a good thing im not able to get to the only lfs in town that i know of that carries marine fish that i trust to be healthy. petco occasionaly has decent fish but its not uncommon to see fish with ich, badly damaged fins and uncommpatible fish together so i wont buy fish ever. :lol:
that sounds too cramped for a 5 gallon, although the may seem content with the amount of space, if you decided to upgrade later, you would find that they really do enjoy the space more, remember this is not about stretching the limits but providing a good home that wouldn't naturally be found in such a cramped place, just my 2 cents
do you mean 77 gal. if so then ya that would be a nice size. unfortunetly i cant have a tank that big in my house. no room and no way to reinforce the floors as we dont own the house. if i could i would but i dont even want to think about how much that would cost to set up going full reef with a refugem(SP) and sump and all that other good stuff. if it is possible to keep a 5 gal as long as i moniter the water quality very closely them im all for trying it out. i just cant wait till i can get a black and white perc. they just look so cool. :drool:
If you could stretch to a 12-15Gallon tank that would give you ALOT more options, and a clown would be happy enough in that.

think it through.

you will need to check the water all the time...what about hollidays? days when you cant be bothered? days when you are busy?

with a big tank you may get away with the odd "lapse" but in a small thing like that- you wont.

if you really love clown fish consider if it will be happy in that little jug for many years to come......and if you think you'll upgrade some day - wait till then.

IMO nano tanks should be for very confident reef keepers that want to try something else- not a cheap way into the hobby.
I second what Tiggs says

Nano really aint a good place to start - althought they may be initailly cheaper they imo will cost you when you come to upgrade (which will will be dying to do)

Also, the question shouldnt be "will 5g be enought" but what would be best IMO 5g just doesnt cut it - sorry

But all is not lost - as mention have you thought about either a 10 or 15g, I have a 10g nano which only measures 12" (ish) square, no Skimmer, but regular top ups & Wtare Changes keep this in check

In this tank I only have a pair of clowns & some inverts & a couple of rics.
initally i was gonna go for a 10gal. after thinking about it i wanted to see if i could possibly save some money. it looks like i will for the 10 gal then. i deffintately want a black and white perc. will a ocellaris or true perc compatible with them?

also what corals found here would be best for this tank? i know that it would be soft corals deffinetely i just dont which would be best for this tank.

oh one more thing: why exactly are anomes(SP) not sutable for begginers and why are they so hard to care for?

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