just been wondering cause i just got chinese algae eaters and never read up about them and i've got panda corys albino corys and one leapord cory any help is well thought of
the chinese algae eaters might be a bit aggressive towards the corys but the cory will hopefully be quick enough how long have you had your Chinese algea eaters
No CAE do not get on with Corys or infact most community fish. I've heard that CAE sometimes eat/suck out Cory's eyes, and I'm almost entirely sure this is true. They grow up to be aggressive and sort of like parasites.
I agree; take the CAE back before you get attached to them. They are not good company for peaceful community fish. If you like the idea of keeping sucking fish, otos or Bristlenose Plecos are a safer choice.
If they don't seem to be bothering the other fish, then it will be OK to leave them in there. If they're chasing any of them, it's a different situation. Just don't plan on keeping them long term.