Will a bettta be fine with my corys?


Mar 21, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

Currnelty I am setting up a seperate tank for my 4 corys and placing sand in the bottom. I was wondering if I could also keep a betta in this tank?
Yes you can, I have cories with my betta and they are just fine. To add a bit more spice to your 10 gal a nice school of small fish would be nice too for that extra color.

Make sure though you feed your betta the right foods. The other fish like their flakes and sinking pellets but Mr. Betta needs his bloodworms and betta pellets. They will not eat flakes or at least mine never have.

I just love it when people keep their bettas in heated, filtered tanks instead of unheated small containers. They do so much better and live much longer. Many will say the filter is hard on them. Well my betta is been in my community tank for 2 years now with an aqua clear 200 filter and never a problem.

Good luck they are beautiful fish and nice to have..... :D
Thanks bugsy66,

Years ago my first fish was a nice red male betta, and he was kept in a 35 gallon with a bunch of neon tetras and lived for about 3 years! And I even ate flake food!

I agree, I will never keep a betta, or any fish for that matter in a small tank, let alone unfilterd or un-heated.

I feel bad that hes going into a 10 gallon, but I will be sure to rescue on that is stuck in a cup somewhere so he can live his life out and enjoy the time he does have.

About feeding, will he eat frozen brine shrimp?
This was like 6-7 years ago when I got him. I did not know they were supose to be fed betta pellets or anything like that, so he lived for 3 years on flakes.
Just want to go anohter opinion or two to make sure that a male betta will be fine in wiht my cory cats.

Thanks again
My males and my females have never pestered my Albino Cory Cats.

And they all LOVE frozen brine shrimp.

Some Bettas ARE extremely sensitive to filters, so, if it's really bothering him, you may have to do something to kill the current. That's easy enough to do, and there are numerous people who can help you figure out how to do it.
I have a big male betta with 3 cories for a couple of years now and every thing is fine with them.

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