Wild Ones....


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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here are some pics of my wild angels....are these the real altums???? cause on the label it says wild angels....I got it on a good price of $15 ea. These guys are huge about 4" in diameter, you could see the size difference when they are beside my other angels and they are bigger than my silver dollars...biggest angels i've seen so far in person...







They look nice! I don't know if they are wild, I was under the assumption that wilds had longer fins. Either way, for a pet store price, 15 bucks for that large of a fish is a good deal!
Man, $15 is all you paid for each fish? That's a great price for an Angel that size. They look great!
thanks...the camera is really old sorry for the bad quality....they are on sale there are 4 left and I took 2.....thinking of grabbing the rest....they seem to be doing really good now no sign of stress and they manage to make my last 2 golden white cloud minnows dissappear.... :hyper: . Even if they are not the real altums as long as I get them to thrive, i'll be happy...I know it's too good to be true to pay for that amount of money for the real thing....
They are definately not altums. Altums get huge, their fins are gigantic. But as I said before, you got a good deal regardless. I would worm them incase they are wild. Try getting some metro (it's like 5 bucks online) and putting it in their food.
These are not altums. Did some reading and they definitely are the peruvian angel fish, They could be also be imported wild and have been captive breed. I don't think that they have worms as the LFS had them for over a month now and I see their feces before they were bag it was brown and they readily accept flakes...Metro is kinda hard to find now....lol...I haven't deal with parasites since I stop keeping africans...
You can get it at bigalsonline.com

I was just letting you know. You never know what wilds come in with. Don't want the rest of your tank getting ill!
I know....thanks for the advice.....crossing my fingers on this one.....

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