Wild livebearers


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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Michigan USA
I will be the first to admit that livebearers an not my fav. fish. However, thanks to the latest TFH mag, I must say I really like the wild livebearers I read about esp. Limia nigrofasciata (Humpback limias) and some of the Goodeids. I was wondering if anybody out there kept these fish. I'll be checking with the ALA also, but just thought I would ask here also. If anyone has these fish, any exp. you would like to share is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have read about wild varieties of livebearers but have only kept endlers which aren't quite wild. I would like to try keeping pike livebearers but I would need more tanks. My book on livebearers has info on wild types like humpback limias and mosquito fish. I don't think most of them are very hard to keep.
Yeah, from everything I have read on them they are not difficult to keep. I was just wondering/hoping someone in this forum bred any. Once I get my tax money there are a few ideas I have that I will work on.
I would like to try breeding some of the Goodeids. Fish with umbilical cords, just sounds so fascinating. The only way I know of to get them would be either online or through the American Livebearer Association. I have been thinking about joining but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Guppy ... Yeah seems like the only way to find any is through the ALA. If we both get them ... at least we'll have notes to compare. :)
Hmm- I breed mosquito fish.
They are pretty danged neat little fish. Easy to breed/keep as well. Make great live food for other fish- or when kept in pairs make awesome fish for small tanks.
If you want them to "shoal" put alot in there. They are more inclined to scatter into their own groups though.
I have two in my display tank. Heck of a lot better than guppies. :D

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