Wild Guppy?

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ok i want to get this clear... i always thought that endlers and wild guppies were the same thing. are they infact 2 different species? i'm so lost. i want to get into pure endler breeding and really would like help on this you can email me at [email protected] to help me out instead of using this forum. it might be easier. i don't want to be ripped off and purchase endler guppies by mistake. and if wild guppies are a different species can you send or post pics of the difference between endler and wild guppies?

again i always thought they were the same thing but i might be mistaken

thanks for your help
Nevergone815, whether Endlers actually are a species of Guppy or not, is something that has been under debate forever, and probably will be for a long time to come. Basically, nobody knows. For now, they are referred to as Poecilia Sp.

It's probably best to purchase pure Endlers through a Livebearer club, or something similar, because then you can be pretty sure they are Endlers. Wild Guppies aren't a different species, they are just that; Wild. They haven't been bred in tanks, and such. In answer to your question about telling the difference between Endlers and Wild Guppies....A quick Google search brings up this:
Wild Guppies


I can't see much of a difference myself, hence why it's so hard to tell if they actually are the same species or not!

madmoroccan - Wow, that's great! Any chance of posting pictures of your guys? :)
I think the simplest way of explaining this is thus:

1. All wild Endlers are wild guppies, in the broad sense.
2. Not all wild guppies are wild Endlers; some wild guppies are simply wild guppies like the generic aquarium type, Poecilia reticulata.

You can add to this the following:

3. Not everyone believes that Endler guppies and "common" guppies are the same species, in which case Endlers are a second species of guppy all of their own.

I suspect Endlers are merely geographic variants, in the same way Indochinese tigers and Siberian tigers are the same species but are totally different in size, colouration, fur length, and habitat. But I'm not an expert in fish systematics and definitely not genetics, so I wouldn't push my point too far!



ok i want to get this clear... i always thought that endlers and wild guppies were the same thing.
well today i looked in my pet store and saw guppies that looked like endler's but they were being used as feeder fish for angels. so naturally i thought that they were a cross. i live in ny, usa so where would the closest livebearer club be and are they trully honest or will they con people? i guess the only sure way to get pure breds are to go and get them yourself from the wild lol :lol: thanks for the help if anyone is breeding nd wants to ship me some for free i would appreciate this i can't go and get them myself or i would. do you think the ones i saw in the pet store as feeders would be worth taking a shot at? they looked like the picture that is in the second post on this topic by Tokis-Phoenix. are they real and the store doesn't know what they are or are they a cross?
Hi all...


I do not have digicam... plus I am in the process of setting up a pygmy puffer tank atm. Thanks for the well wishes... I will borrow a digicam asap.

With regards to Endlers... In my opinion (and after exhaustive research for the last week or so)... I would say that they ARE a separate species... just like the African and Indian elephant.

And just to confirm, my guppies are plain... no fancy tail... no bright colours. And NO they will NEVER be used to create hybrids (maybe :rolleyes: ).


I can say hand on heart: No matter what genus or pedigree of guppy/endler you get... they will always bring you happyness and relaxation. If I were you I would buy some from the LFS and keep them in a separate tank to all your other fish... Reason is if they really are wild you might want to quarantine them for a month just to be on the safe side.

The dispute regarding Endlers and Wild guppies aside... I have a two foot and a three foot tank to stock... Any one wanna swap me some L46's :S
I think not...
To be honest, if you hybridise Endlers with regular guppies and call them guppies, what's the harm in that? I think the issue is when people sell hybrid Endler-guppy fish as Endler guppies, that's the dishonest thing. Particularly given the three- or fourfold markup Endlers seem to have over plain vanilla guppies.



And just to confirm, my guppies are plain... no fancy tail... no bright colours. And NO they will NEVER be used to create hybrids (maybe :rolleyes: ).

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