Wild caught fish

Would You Buy Wild Caught Fish

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Only Certain Kinds

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  • Or Would Not Matter To You Whatever

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no wild fish should not be domesticated? how would u feel if u were shoved in a Zoo just for someone to stare at and just imagin that it was an air ticht space u'd feel realy bad knowing that where u are is not a natural place. now fish in captivity all their lives don't know what freedom is so that would accept it as the natural world.
SConrad said:
i might be wrong..but i think that some or most(not sure) rainbow sharks are wild caught, i heard that its extreemly hard to breed them unless you have a HUGE pond.
Actually redtail and rainbow sharks are now very very rare in the wild (if not extinct) and so the ones in the hobby are all captive bred in the far eastern fish farms. The same goes for bala sharks, all of them are bred using hormone injections.
All of the fish that I keep readily breed in captivity, so I assume they were not taken from the wild. The thought of wild fish suddenly put in captivity does not sit well with me. In a perfect world....
I would.

However, they tend to be more diseased than captive ones. However, it's not possible to get captive bred tetras around here, so they're all wild caught.
if they where growing normally in the wild and then get jammed in a little tank, whats going to happen to there growth?
I bet no one owns a wild caught fish. The only ones who have wild caught fish are the ones who have gone to fish them out themselfs.
All wild caught fish in your lfs are net breed on the side of the lake with us humans feeding them to make them grow faster and larger than what they would in the wild.

I voted no for sure, cause i have seen wild oscars caught large 14" are there damn ugly, just about wild cichlids i have seen are ugly.
If your after a nice looking fish then goto the shop, not the lake.
Tropjunky said:
no wild fish should not be domesticated? how would u feel if u were shoved in a Zoo just for someone to stare at and just imagin that it was an air ticht space u'd feel realy bad knowing that where u are is not a natural place. now fish in captivity all their lives don't know what freedom is so that would accept it as the natural world.
Umm, captive animals have to come from somewhere, namely the wild so you're basically forced with capturing wild caught at some point in time.
ummm lol yes their wild but their bred 1500g nets on the side of the river. Do you consider that wild caught?cause i dont and many others wouldnt either. To me thats captive breeding! The only thing wild is the water.......

What you said is true, but even back then 50+ years ago you wouldnt buy the wild caught fish, you would buy there babies.
There's no simple solution to this. Animals have to be caught somewhere if they can't be truly captive bred outside their native habitat and there won't be a sudden ban or disappearence of wild caught animals on the market.
I said yes but I don't know whether I'd feel right about buying an endangered species. Although, here in North Queensland the Lake Eacham rainbowfish (melanotaenia eachamenis) was declared almost extinct in the wild, until a local fishkeeper fessed up to having some. He broke the law by taking them, but at the same time saved the species from extinction. I suppose if you're breeding an endangered species, you're helping it out.
I think that should be the only exception to capturing near extinct species; breeding them for release into the wild. Otherwise I can't see the justification for driving them to extinction in the wild.
Vip said:
I bet no one owns a wild caught fish. The only ones who have wild caught fish are the ones who have gone to fish them out themselfs.
All wild caught fish in your lfs are net breed on the side of the lake with us humans feeding them to make them grow faster and larger than what they would in the wild.

I voted no for sure, cause i have seen wild oscars caught large 14" are there damn ugly, just about wild cichlids i have seen are ugly.
If your after a nice looking fish then goto the shop, not the lake.
I bet pleanty of people here own wild caught fish, anyone who owns a pimeloid catfish is 90% certain to have a wild caught fish, some pictus cats are now being captive bred using hormones but the majority are still wild caught and the rest of the rarer pims we see in shops will have been netted from the amazon by the tropical fish collecters, this is why we only see them seasonally. My sorubim lima's, Pimelodus ornatus, Pimelodus albofasciatus and Leiarius pictus are certainly all wild caught fish. The same goes for most of the not so common amazonian species (predatory characins and oddball species etc).

Also many of the tanganyikan cichlid species appearing in the shops now have been wild caught as the high prices reflect, until there are sufficient numbers of them kept in captivity to produce a large enough number of captive bred fry they will continue to be taken from the wild.

It is true that in some areas they are now incouraging the netting off of sections of river to captive breed tropical fish but this idea is yet to take off in a big way and only a very small fraction of the fish we see in stores are supplied from these, the majority of captive bred fish come from fish farms in the far east where they are spawned in large vats and dirt ponds using hormone injections.

The truth is unless you are keeping nothing but commonly seen cheap community fish (the ones that the store ALWAYS has in stock) or the commonly seen new world and malaiwi cichlids then there is a very good chance your fish have been wild caught.

For those in the UK there is a good artical on how tropical fish are colected from the wild and shipped to your lfs in this months practical fish keeping.
I still dont belive it, look around on the net, also one of the lakes is protected, cant remember witch it is tho, all cichlids here in aus are tank breed no matter what people say. you see pics on the net with these guys who have these large nets with millions of eletric yellows in them and so on, but yet they call them "wild caught" but yet these fish have never seen a rock in there life. Why would a shop pay so much money for a wild caught fish when they can sell the same one breed in a tank for much much less?

This sounds funny, but hang on 10mins dude, i need to have a shower brb lol :p
I know for a fact they my Botia Berdimorei and some of my other rarer Botia species are wild caught as I have seen pictures of the lfs owner catching the fish and importing them back over, next time I go I will get the name of the water way he caught them from to prove it, and no there were no nets involved except the nets they used to catch the fish.
To CFC yeah saw the article thats why i thought it would be interesting to find out other peoples views on what they thought i would say 40% of my fish are wild caught by these fish collectors if not more but as long as they have a good home then in my eyes it does not matter .

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