Wigster's Tropical 160L


Fish Fanatic
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Cardiff, South Wales
A new thread for my completed 160Litre Tropical Tank.

It's a AquaTropic 100 Aquarium, with interpret filter + heater.
Moderately planted and a few bits of bogwood + swamp root.
Lots of little caves on left hand side made from a slate like rock that I stacked together, and 2 pieces of coral rock in centre with bubble rising between them.

Fish stock currently:
6 x Tiger Barbs
6 x Red Eye Tetra
2 x Honey Gourami
1 x Bristlenose Catfish


My favourite honey gourami (A lovely yellow colour)

The red honey gourami


Betty the Bristlenose Catfish




Red Eye Tetra

Tiger Barb


Tiger Barb Cove (The barbs seem to love this little cove)

My previous log and chat threads can be seen here, but this current one is where I plan to put all info from now on :):
Cycling Log: http://www.fishforum...ournal-cycling/
General Chat: http://www.fishforum...ew-guyhi-all-d/
that tank is wonderful!

im going to be getting a tank soon and want to get a look sort of like that... is the substrate a mixture of sand and gravel?
im new to this so want to make sure i get the correct information etc :rolleyes:
Thank you :).
Yes it's a mixture of sand and gravel. Gravel towards the edges and back of tank, and then Argos play sand in the frontal blank area. Ideally this should be good for when I get some Corydoras that enjoy "playing" in the sand".
Here's just a quick update.
All fish still going strong, the tiger barbs are fattening up a lot. And the bristlenose catfish has quite a few barbels showing on the front of her now :). Plants have also done quite well, although I have virtually no vallis left :/




Great camera work :) wish I could take decent photos! :D

Looks a great tank, very lively! and a bit like stepping into the swinging 60's! ;p
Looks good mate, your camera skills are excellent! :good:

And it's a Bristlenose Plec, not a Catfish. :good:
Thanks for the comments guys :).

I virtually know the answer is no, however my girlfriend is adament on getting a puffer fish. So I'm just wondering if there are any puffer fish that would be fine for my 160 litre tank with 15 other tank mates?
Some bad news guys... the yellow gourami was dead when I got home from work today. I can see no reason for his death.. tested levels 2 days ago and everything was 0... Although I did treat the whole tank with a interpet anti-fin rot the 2 weeks ago as my one red gourami had I what i suspected to be a little bit of fin rot, so wanted to be on the safe side.

Anyway, 1 fish loss in my first 4 months of fishkeeping isn't too bad I guess, although obviously 0 losses would be best :(.
Did a big change around the other day, I much prefer it, a lot cleaner imo.

And another pic of "Betty" my bristlenose :)
That's lovely it's so colourful :good:
great looking tank the later pics seem to give the impression of a much bigger tank the only change i would make would be having a plain blue or black background (but thats only a personal opinion)
You should be proud of that :good:
great looking tank the later pics seem to give the impression of a much bigger tank

Yes that was the main reason for the change around, as before hand there was quite a lot of wasted space behind the rocks/plants etc, but now everything is right at the back so open frontal space gives the impression of a larger tank :D.

Got some moonlights and a seneye kit for Christmas :D!

The seneye kit is also great, gives me peace of mind and works well as I can be obesseive of trackable statisitcs - so constantly looking at it after feeding times/water changes to track ph/nh3(/4) movements is enjoyable :).

Not a great photo (just from my phone.. dark lighting.. of course), but gives an idea of the moonlight:

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