It is a major shame. Theyre great personable fish, I had a female for 6 months, she was very interactive and friendly and one of my favorites. Unfortunately she died of DGD, and it was a major heartbreaker for me too.
If your wife is interested in gouramis though, there are some healthier smaller options.
Honey gourami (get a trio, theyre social, 1 male to 2 females)
Sparkling gouramis (be sure they can handle being around the barbs, I'm unsure on the size of those guys, so check that first. Adult Sparkling gouramis are the size of full grown neon tetras, aim for a trio or more, same gender ratio as above)
Croaking gourami (same ratio, bigger than sparklers)
I think I've decided against a dwarf gourami now, would my tank be big enough for a single pearl gourami? If they can be kept alone.