Wierd Behaviour!

NO thats the truth did you not see the news the other day.
its tragic when your tank gets infected

Indeed, I wonder what Lewis will do when he finds the eggs in his pjs :crazy: I have heard of them driving people crazy in their attempts to rid both their tanks and pjs of the things :crazy:

Is it true, that they also like duvets?

dont worry, i can tell you both are kidding!!

Ehhh, what makes you think that :crazy:
I'm not sure what a top-down photo is??

Here's a few I took today. He had climbed to the top and out of the water again but not over this time!

First one was spot-on for top-down! Sorry if that description was a bit crypic - surely you're all telepathic! :lol:

Yep, looks to be a Nerite. I will have to go shell databasing in a bit to see exactly which one it is, but my guess is that you are probably seeing tidal-area species behavior. Coastal snail species like Nerites and Periwinkles that exist in the rocky shores type environment where they are frequently in and out of the water (and often feeding whilst out of the water!) will tend not to stay submerged. There are really two options for these types of snails to keep them from escaping: low waterline so there is a lot of glass exposed (~4" is usually all they need to not be tempted over the edge) or a tight-fitting lid with no gaps. Probably the best thing to facilitate their behavior is a combination of both - this way it stays very humid above the water, allowing algae films to grow above the waterline so they can graze in a more natural pattern in and out of the water as they choose.

At any rate, a high water line and an open top will have them wandering, and that can lead to lost and dessicated snails. If coastal snails really get into it once they leave, they can go a long ways before they decide to park and wait for the "tide" to come in. I was transporting some Periwinkles cross-country once and forgot to snap the lid down one night in a hotel...found them all over the blasted room the next morning. I've had similar problems with marine Nerites.

EDIT: I'm going to refine my guess to within the Nerita genus. Maybe N. lineata...not too sure on that though. Color in these guys is highly variable to IDs can be a bit of a pain without either the animal in-hand or some knowledge of the collection area.
Lol. Seffie and Sorgan I'm actually feeling a bit concerned!! :lol: but I don't wear PJ's so I'll be fine!

Thank you so much for the info Donya! Unfort I have an open top!! I'll try to keep the water levels down. A bit worried they'll crawl out again!!! :crazy:
Lol. Seffie and Sorgan I'm actually feeling a bit concerned!! :lol: but I don't wear PJ's so I'll be fine!

Thank you so much for the info Donya! Unfort I have an open top!! I'll try to keep the water levels down. A bit worried they'll crawl out again!!! :crazy:
Lol. Seffie and Sorgan I'm actually feeling a bit concerned!! :lol: but I don't wear PJ's so I'll be fine!

Thank you so much for the info Donya! Unfort I have an open top!! I'll try to keep the water levels down. A bit worried they'll crawl out again!!! :crazy:

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