Why you should always check the dryer


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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I came home from the park yesterday and when I walked past my dryer on my way to my office, I saw this:




Now I have to wash all those clothes again, cause they are covered in Fritz fur!

This isn't the first time he has done this, so I always check if he is in there before I add wet clothes, or close the door. I started doing this as soon as I had my own washer and dryer, because I do know someone who accidentally killed their cat in the dryer.
My cats seem to love the dryer also. But the ferrets are the worst for getting into things they shouldnt be in. I can start gathering up clothes from the bedroom in the mornings and sure enough they are a ferret in the pants leg or the sleeve of a sweat shirt..
Lol, i know the feeling. Our family cats would just jump on the chance to fur up any newly and ofcourse non furred up clothing.

My cat does the same thing after I have my work clothes on and I'm all de-fuzzed and then he comes and rubs ALL over me. :crazy:

Cute shots FishEnthusiast. :thumbs:
Thanks. My cats are the same way. I get dressed in the morning, nice pants suit or something, and Fritz deems it necessary to transfer all his loose fur onto my clothes. Usually as I am walking out the door to go to work. Now I keep a lint brush in the car. He isn't the only one to love my dryer, Libby likes to go in there too.

Angel Lady, I don't have ferrets myself, but I have seen what kind of mischief they can get into. My cats are all I can handle. Well that and my fish of course.
I must learn to check the dryer before throwing clothes in it. The way the dryer and washing machine are setup makes it had to look when throwing clothes in (very small laundry)....guess I'd beter since I have a cat who can squeeze into any small spot and a jack russell who has a tendency to adventure :lol:
The lady I know that accidentally killed her cat was doing laundry one day. She was putting the clothes in the dryer when the phone rang. She left the door open and answered the phone. When the phone call was done, she went back to the laundry room, closed the door and turned it on. She did not find the cat until the dryer stopped. The worst part was, it was her daughters cat and she had never particularily liked the cat in the first place. She was afraid her daughter would think she killed the cat on purpose, so she told her that the cat had been run over by a car. She didn't tell her the truth for nearly 20 years.
I second that nomination.

And sad story. My sister had a kitten once, and she was laying in the dryer and my mom threw laundry in and she didn't know she was in there, well she got in the shower and was like "Amy go check the dryer I don't know what's thumping in there" Well there was the kitten. She did survive for about 2 weeks then passed on... It was terrible. My mom still feels terrible for it.

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