It happens all the time and not just cats- only a couple of weeks ago on the news there was a couple who moved abroad leaving their 8horses, some with foals, 24 dogs, 50 cats and dozens of other animals to starve to death leaving a total of 150 dead animals in total- the only animals that survived were a couple of dogs who had managed to survive by eating the corpses of other dogs they were locked up with. It was said the dead horses had been decomposing for at least 3-4months.
The couple were caught and got a month in prison and a fine and a the right to ever own animals ever again taken away- i personally think that is way to lean a sentence considering a guy got done for prison for 10yrs for dog baiting.
My family had to experience a similar family of animal hoarders who rented out a small cottage and stables my mum owned some years ago. We new about what they did but we couldn't exvict them due to the court and police not giving a f**k for years and the fact they trained their 12 bulldogs to go for my mum and dad and anyone else who approached the cottage, that is if they could get around the barbed wire fencing piles they put up with.
They poached all our deer decimating a herd of 32 roe deer to 0 and killed our pheasants every year.
When we finally managed to get the police and baliffs to force them out, we discovered 24 dead and rotting sheep in their garden with only 2 live ones which had to be put down due to their terible starved state, we found 50 cats plus plenty dead ones, 6 parrots, loads of dogs, domesticated rats mice and guinea pigs- ther were so many dead animals i can't remember the numbers exactly. The place was falling to bits and took 2yrs to repair. The family was bad enough themsleves and were drug dealers, the mum had 8 kids including 2 daughters, one of which got pregnant from her brothers.; they terorised us for years and it only enforces my belief that the police are virtually useless.