Why Sell Fish In Odd Numbers?

perhaps the lfs are trying to encourage you stock larger shoals - maybe by selling in 5s they are hoping you'll stock 10 instead of 6, hence bigger shoal, hence happier fish...

my local MA also sells in varying umbers, 3,4,5,6,8,10 depending on species.
LFS are retailers like any other, they want to shift stock fast for as much profit as possible.

Encouraging customers to buy more than they want is common practice, hence all the 'buy one get one free' offers, etc. so bmonki makes a very valid point.

If you go into any LFS and ask to buy 20 fish of any type in one go I can almost guarantee you'll get a better price than anything advertised in the store.

The thread is getting slightly off-topic now as the original question was why more odd numbers in deals than evens and I think a few people (myself included) have pointed but it's down to aesthetics, odd numbers are more 'natural'.
aquascaper, what you are saying then, is that if you opened a fish shop, you would make decisions such as this based on asthetic reasons.
I would make decisions based on solid financial reasons, like I've stated they do. I know which fish shop would survive.
No, what I'm saying is most retailers understand the aesthetic principal, as do most customers, therefore they tailor their deals that way.

This has been proven by the other members who have stated that their LFS (some of which are in the same retail chain as yours) have lots of deals on odd numbers.

If you choose to open a fish shop based on fleecing customers by tailoring deals that mean they have to buy one extra to meet 'shoal requirements' and in turn get you more profits then you're arguing against yourself. The alternative fish shop would result in customers happy with the look of their aquarium which would result in repeat custom and referrals.....the essence of retail.

I am not disputing that there are financial reasons behind the 'deals', merely pointing out that you think it has to do with the end result, ie. the number of fish in the customers aquarium, whereas it is down to stock movement vs. average customer requirements. The majority of customers won't have big tanks and therefore won't want 6 of the same fish but rather 2 - 3 of multiple species (this comes from doing my stint in aquatic retail) therefore the deals are in place to cater for that trend.

If you really think that your LFS is just out to fleece you because you want one more fish than they have in the deals then I suggest you find a new one.
I can speak from experience from working in a large aquatic store, sales are mainly based on what customers ask for, nothing more. They assume the buyer knows what they want if they don't seek advice/guidance, the exception being new set-ups when it's clear the customer is a first time buyer. With the best will in the world they don't have the time, or the inclination to ask every customer what they already have. The shop at which I have experience gave the discount from 5 fish onwards, not five only.
Hypothetically, if a customer came in and asked specifically for 6 fish as they've read that they need to be in a shoal of 6 and your deal was 5 for 'x' what would you do?

1) Stick to the deal of 5 for 'x' and charge full price for the 6th pointing out they are still getting a discount as they're taking 5.

2) Work out another deal with a small discount on the 6th fish as well.

more than likely the financially orientated shop would go with option 1) the customer orientated shop would go with option 2).
I think any dealer with any sense does an offer that from the point at which the discount kicks in, he sells any subsequent fish for that average. For example, if they are £2.20 each or 5 for £10, 6, 7, 8 are sold for £2 each, keeping the customer happy. These offers are generally kept to the lower priced fish. Livestock tropical sales do not generate alot of profit, owing to their labour intensive nature, electrical costs etc. The hard goods are where the profit lies, and the dealer certainly won't want to (or shouldn't) lose the loyalty of a customer over a few discounted tetras.

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