That size bulb will be more than enough . How much flowrate are you putting through it? Flowrate is key for determining what the sterilizer kills. Usually you want some pretty slow flow through them to kill off most parasites like ich
I hope I am off tap water for good. That stuff's for freshwater.
Well, its tough to say what caused the dieoff but tap water is far from being toxin-free. An ammonia tapwater conditioner probably wouldnt remove every treatment that goes into your tawpwater. Maybe you have an abnormally high concentration of flourine, or perhaps you guys use some other strange purification process over the boarder. Saltwater animals and bacteria can be very very sensetive to outside chemical stressors. Remember, where our bodies can tolerate and eliminate that concentration of chemical, saltwater species concentrate it in their tissues and end up perishing because of that biological need.
At least you know where your problem stems from and you can make changes to correct it. I'm sure your tank will look great when its all back up and running
A suggested title "Why RO water is good for you and your tank!"