why ppl say red crabs are aggressive?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2004
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UK yorks
i dont think they are....mine are scared of my widow tetras and look:

"RCCs will fight among themselves. Fighting is probably more common among males but I have not tested this. I would only ever keep a maximum of two crabs per 10 gallons, but I prefer to keep just one, even in a large tank. Of course, in the wild, they seem to live in swarms, so this may be overly cautious.

Fortunately fish are pretty safe. The RCC may chase away fish that get too close but neither fish nor crab have ever been injured in my experience -- though other keepers have told me of very small fish being caught and eaten.

The RCC keeps to itself for the most part, spending its time hiding under plants or rocks. It does come out quite often though --- this isn't the kind of animal that you buy and never see. When it does come out to explore it crawls all over; it is quite lively and very fun to watch. "

Most crabs are aggresive and will be, but its a matter of:
1) If it can catch the fish or if the fish is sleeping
2) It may have a personality were its oblivious to everything around it other than its foods (not the fish) and the other tank inhabitants.

That qoute, many catfish will keep to themselves, but (most) will eat other fish if given the chance.

BTW. I am getting a mod to lock the opther topic, because theres no need for it.

And in your signature, it says you have 4 goldfish in a 10 gallon, just to let you know I think I was told that goldfish need 20 (?) gallons per fish, because they can get quite large and are real.lly messy fish.

i had a guppie with a crushed skull that wold have told you otherwise.... you must not have had them for long...... BTW they will escape if they have a chance....

also the male is more aggresive than the female and has larger claws (witch grab fish EZer)

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