Why people keep betta


His legend will never die
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
Why do people keep bettas in very small tanks? I've never quite understood.... Is that not cruel?
Depends what you mean by small I guess, checkout the Betta section of the forum.
Hi Dubby

Some people do keep bettas what I believe are too small a tank but everyone is entitled to their own choice.

In a very basic term Betta's survive more easily in a small tank than a lot of other fish because they originally came from extreme swamp conditions. In order for them to survive in such contaminated waters they evolved differently from other fish and have a labyrinth lung, thereore giving them the ability/need to breathe in air from the water surface.

Unlike other fish that need the oxygen to be within the water, hence the need for larger tanks, good pumps, and filteration etc. The betta, whose gill organs do not work like that of a regular fish need surface air to survive.

Studies have found that no matter how high the oxygen level in the water, if the betta cannot get ample surface air, he/she will slowly suffocate/drown because their gill structures cannot bring in the oxygen from the water well enough to sustain life.

Having said that although lfs's will suggest a 1 gallon or even just a bowl and tell you they will survive no problem, which of course they will, personally I would want bigger (2.5 - 3 gallon minimum) just because although they will survive in that small a space I believe in quality of life and if I was a betta I would want some room to swim around and be "like other fish".

:D :D
I've heard it suggested on here that bigger tanks shorten a betta's lifespan because it has to swim around more - in particular, up and down. I dont really get this because I'm fairly sure they swim in the wild, and while i doubt they make huge journeys just for fun, i expect they inhabit more than a gallon of water. :rolleyes:

however some bettas seem to have a preference for smalelr tanks, for example they freak out and get stresed wehn they're moved to a bigger tank, so i guess it depends on the fish. basically its a matter of personal opinion but it's not something i would ever ever do. my friend's betta loves his 8gallon tank and never stops swimming round it. :)
clutterydrawer said:
I've heard it suggested on here that bigger tanks shorten a betta's lifespan because it has to swim around more - in particular, up and down. I dont really get this because I'm fairly sure they swim in the wild, and while i doubt they make huge journeys just for fun, i expect they inhabit more than a gallon of water. :rolleyes:
The bettas you get aren't from the wild. You won't see VTs, DT, and the like in the wild. They are bred for their tails. Wild caught bettas are very rare

Bettas are solitary fish. They are not community fish. They hate any type of current. The best sign of a betta being happy is when it builds a bubble-nest. They are much more likely to do so in an un-filtered 1g with some java moss (and clean water), than in a community tank with other fish and filter flow.

I personnally keep my bettas in 1g, with 100% water-changes every third day. If water changes aren't kept up, then yes it is cruel. If that's the case, one should not own bettas.

Edit to add:
I like to try to mimic the pros. You won't see Thai breeders keeping their prize stock in large aquaria. As far as people on this site, I regard everything bkk group says about bettas as "bible". I've gotten a ton of great info by reading his betta posts (and the posts of others here :) ).
I tried putting a betta in a community tank, but he looked like he was dragging himself around. I also tried putting them in smaller (5, 2.5) tanks, but the filter stressed them too much resulting in finrot, and without filters I found it too difficult to clean as often as I wanted with these sizes (full water change), so I put them in 1 gallon bowls, and they are healthy and blow lots of bubbles. As mentioned by someone else, I do 100% water changes 2-3 times a week.

That said, I might try putting them in larger tanks again when the tanks are freed up.
I have my betta ina 1gal as well, with 100% water changes every few days. He is just not a bubble nester, but I can always tell when he is happy, or when he is sulking because the tetras are getting more attention in the other tank.
I was in a local pet chain store and saw some "Stop animal suffering, boycot this product" stickers on the small betta bowls. :lol:
cometcattle said:
The bettas you get aren't from the wild. You won't see VTs, DT, and the like in the wild. They are bred for their tails. Wild caught bettas are very rare
I know that ;) :rolleyes: I just find it hard to believe that any fish even strains refined by humans would confine themselves to one gallon if more was available. i wasn't advocating keeping them in community tanks either. i was just saying that in my extremely limited experience, bettas can thrive in larger tanks. people are always gonna disagree over this, as long as everyone's fish is happy i don't think it matters ;)
clutterydrawer said:
cometcattle said:
The bettas you get aren't from the wild. You won't see VTs, DT, and the like in the wild. They are bred for their tails. Wild caught bettas are very rare
I know that ;) :rolleyes: I just find it hard to believe that any fish even strains refined by humans would confine themselves to one gallon if more was available. i wasn't advocating keeping them in community tanks either. i was just saying that in my extremely limited experience, bettas can thrive in larger tanks. people are always gonna disagree over this, as long as everyone's fish is happy i don't think it matters ;)
Yep, this is definatly a topic that not everyone will agree on. :nod:

Happiness is key. :D

Also, I'm no expert. I just recently got addicted, so I like to soak up as much info as possible.

I blame this forum for my addiction. :p
haha I blame this forum for me not having time for anything else ;)

Anyway I'm even less of an expert as I'm not much of a fan of bettas, however since reading posts on this forum I've become more tolerant to the idea of keeping them in small tanks than I was previously. Still hard to get my head round though. ;)
well my explaination is that people see them as disposable pets like hamsters or mice rather than a liveing being. ( not that hamsters and mice arnt living beings ) im not sure where exactly it originates but i know lfs are definately at the sorce claiming that they are very easy to keep and that you only have to feed them once a week, theres much more to it and i mean if u ask anyone on the street whos had a betta once they'll tell u it lasted no more than a few months. when i was little i ahd bettas off and on and i userally kept them in this 1/2 gallon bowl that i still ahve today and fed them on tropical flakes. and being only like 8 years old i had no idea about water changes ect. i cleaned the tank but u know it takes alot to grad and hold onto an 8 year old's attention and i lost interest and i stoped careing. i still feal bad for those fish but, i cant do anything about it now. i think as betta fanatics are created and clubs that premote awareness continue on, all this may change and bettas will no longer be the disposable fish pet that require little or no care.

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