Why isn't my Danio eating?


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
South Side, Chicago
Hi guys.

One of my Danios isn't eating, and he looks starved. He's really thin, with a sunken-in stomach. The other three Danios are much larger than he is. Recently, I had a tiger barb who did not eat either, and he died. I'd hate to lose the Danio as well.

Any ideas? Thanks,

This usually indicates an internal parasite of some kind. There are meds but they are usually not to successful and may have a damaging effect on the rest of your fish or your cycle.
thats the same with one of my danios but he's been like that for a while he eats just he's smaller than the others in terms of width but he doesn't seem to be dying or anything
I'm gonna have to back up tstenback. It is most likely intestinal parasites. These spread like wildfire in your tank, so I would seperate him from the others as soon as possible. If you dont have another tank, then just wait it and get some meds. There are many medications for this kind of problem.

Good Luck!

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