Why Is She..? Now Dead But I Tried.new Fish On Way Soon

thank you for reply I have one on order from Joby! :drool: :drool: Huby has given up on me now I whittled him for another yorkie! :lol: I think he thinks bettas are better!
As far as destroying the ich parasite, that is never, as it is present in all water but maybe IO or some such, even then... Ich parasite goes through several life cycles. Its like trying to rid your carpet of all the mites.

In reality the ich parasite requires a host fish to maintain it's cycle. So simply letting the tank dry out and not using it for a few weeks will throw the parasite into a dormant stage at the least.
I hate to nitpick, but it's a contradiction to say that ich is ever-present in water and yet needs a host fish to maintain its cycle, don't you think? In reality, it's a myth that ich is ever-present for this exact reason. Once it is completely destroyed in a tank, it is gone for good until new parasites are introduced on a new fish or live plants. It doesn't have a dormant stage.

The higher the temperature the faster ich will complete its lifecycle -- at about 77 degrees F (25 C) the cycle should complete in about a week. Ich also can't survive being dryed out, but personally, I'd bleach the tank just incase.
I want another Yorkie. Mine was 11 last November. (He is part Dachshund.) He is spry and alert, although he tires earlier, but he is always ready to learn something new. He has been my best buddy/companion.

Synirr, I thought it was eliminated too, but have been corrected by several that know better than me. I have also been lead to understand that it is present in all water, except RO or the like--irradiated. But that it stays dormant until an opportune time=when the conditions are right for it to take hold=fish with low immune system due to stress or unhealthy conditions. Much of my understanding came from pinned threads in TFF forums. I have been instructed that there is an ich cycle and one of the stages is a dormancy. I forget the name of the stage.

I'm sure you're right about the cycles speeding up in warmer temps, although I was told to raise the temps to over 80 degrees. It's been awhile since I battled ich, and I get forgetful. My first battle was ich; my last battle was columnaris; and now I am battling fin rot for the first time. The ich was small potatoes compared to the columnaris, and I waited way too long before diagnosing the fin rot.
Having spent an an hour reviewing some more ich articles, I see the three stage cycle is the popular notion now. I started with CFC's article in the Emergency forum and followed a link by an added post. It does say that 84 degrees is the optimum treatment temp. This speeds the life cycle up during treatment to and through the medication susceptible stage. The second article was too long and full of debate for me to read it through completely. I didn't see where it addressed the possiblility of intoducing the parasite in tap water. And I did see that it discounted uv water. What does seem clear is that there is disagreement galore.
In most countries the water treatment system is such that no ich parasites should be able to survive to the point of reaching your tap. I'll say that, in the past 5 years or so, I've never once had a case of ich that wasn't preceded by a new addition to the tank, and I've had plenty of ill fish in that time who would have been highly susceptible to it had it been present. None of the non-parasitic stages of the ich lifecycle are capable of going dormant, but it's possible I was incorrect in the blanket statement that it doesn't go dormant at all; I've read that the trophont stage can lie dormant for a time in a fish's gills, but whether this is true or not, it still has no dormant stages in open water. In my honest opinion, the idea that ich is ever-present is one of those silly fishkeeping myths that should be put to rest. I just can't see any other way of explaining how, in all the years I've had fish, it has never once spontaneously arisen on even one single fish.
I have to agree with Synir, here. I had a fish who was in a divided 10 gallon and was always sick. I think he spent at least 20% of his life in the hospital bowl, poor guy. He should have been the most suseptable to ich, but he never once had it. He even had columnaris once, but never ich. I have never had a fish with ich.

It's beyond me. There are just too many conflicting theories from too many good fish keepers. Frankly, I gave up on trying to figure out more than the basics. Even the part about it having to have a host in order to keep from dying is disagreed on by good fish keepers, as some think it can lie dormant and reappear opportunistically. No matter what I tried someone said it was insufficient to absolutely guard against it. Then another says it can be "carried" by a host who is resistant. ??? :dunno:

I know what it looks like; I know what to treat it with; I know how to treat it when only suspected without much stress to the fish. I have to be satisfied with that at this point. But I will be more careful with blanket statements, too. :blink:
:*) oohh! that was very conflicting info! Anyway in all the discussion did anyone see the bit about me having a HM from Jobys? :drool: :drool:
:*) oohh! that was very conflicting info! Anyway in all the discussion did anyone see the bit about me having a HM from Jobys? :drool: :drool:
:hey: must have missed that bit Liz2 when do you get you new fish(es)?

thank you for reply I have one on order from Joby! :drool: :drool: Huby has given up on me now I whittled him for another yorkie! :lol: I think he thinks bettas are better!
:hey: and a bit cheaper eh :lol:
when the cheque clears and we have arranged a time its a HM and am adopting a red ct :drool: :drool: :drool:


just copied it from Jobys site. I love him already and he wont be mine for days and days yet. I hope nothing happens to him! :no: look at his little face and his mouth and all of him!
Yes actually I did see the bit about trading a Yorkie for a CT from Jody.

He's a cute little guy. He has a great face. Congratulations! :hyper:

Oops! again! Those rays are so gorgeous I thought it was a HM/CT. :*) He really is a Pretty Boy.
What are you treating them with?

The meds may lower the oxygen levels. Add salt and an air stone To increase the levels of oxygen. I have gotten rid of ich with other fish, but I used a strong medication and lost some fish. The sooner it is treated with a good med the better the chances. Care must also be taken not to spread it.

Aquarisol is a good preventative/early treatment in the future. But it is a mild med that isn't very effective once the parasite gets a hold.

Sorry I missed the thread. The Betta threads turn over so quickly.
are you sure you 10?
*take it as a compliment* you ten right?
you know too much! :p
EDIT: sorry about that, there was a thread not so long ago about how old people were. your little pic under your user is the same as a 10 year olds. i remember people by the sigs and pics and not by there user name.
sorry about that.


Group: Members
Posts: 18
Joined: 24-October 05
Member No.: 16588

thats from that thread, and the pic wont send,but its the same as yours

Sorry paige. I am 10.
:lol: I thought it was something like "10-4, good buddy".

Yeah a little ways from 10: 10x6+4 :hyper:

They changed the format and I haven't been able get any of my pics to post for the avitar, so I took the elephant out of the TFF selection.

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