Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

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If I were to return the Columbian tetra and keep just the gourami, do you guys have any recommendations for good tank mates?
I would suggest a dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank is already fully stocked. All the small fish are shoaling fish, and the tank is not big enough for a shoal. The only other single fish which would fit in a 10 gallon is a betta - but not with a gourami already there; gouramis and bettas should not be kept together.
Maybe take both back and go for a shoal of nano rasboras or ember tetras
I would suggest a dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank is already fully stocked. All the small fish are shoaling fish, and the tank is not big enough for a shoal. The only other single fish which would fit in a 10 gallon is a betta - but not with a gourami already there; gouramis and bettas should not be kept together.

Could shrimp maybe work? I’ve seen if they have enough shelter with java moss etc that could be an option for this person
I get your point you clearly really like this dwarf gourami but it’s your first tank and you’d kinda like something else in there. In reality, could you fit other fish in there? Yes, Ofc. However, I’d strongly strongly recommend against any other fish, shrimp at the max but do your research. In reality adding fish will not only lead to a territorial dwarf gourami which has already shown aggressive tendency but much more required maintenance. If you live in America which I don’t have the pleasure of id suggest maybe upgrading your tank to a 20 gallon for example, if you Ofc have the space money etc. A 20 will provide you with so many more options which could really improve your experience with fish keeping in general! Keep the 10 gallon for a shrimp tank only or a quarantine tank, just something which requires little maintenance but still looks great!
I agree. What about trying some mystery snails? They are fun to watch and would be less likely to have a problem with the gourami
I know the upgrade hasn’t been mentioned yet but just saying it is another option! 20$ will be the cost and you will eventually need to buy a quarantine tank irregardless. You clearly seem engaged with the idea of a community tank so I’d recommend doing so, I have and it’s really enjoyable to watch. Providing a community environment in anything less than a 17 gallon I don’t think is great personally and is high maintenance. A shoal of 10 neon tetra and 5 panda corydoras for example in a 20 won’t cost the world and will look amazing!
idk, you dont want it to get lonely, so maybe put some platys, the gourami will most likely not bother them.
Platies are also hard water fish but gourami require soft water

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