Why I love bettas

i love them for all the reasons that people listed (except the one about tasting good -_- )
I think they are one of the smartest fishes out there, and they have endless possiblilites for color and finnage, they interact with you and the bubblenests they make are so cute!
I love all the different variety in them and they always cheer me up.

p.s hey wuv you got me hooked on bettas :rofl:
i love each and every one of my bettas. No two fish look alike... and if you notice, even their faces are quite different. Not only do their have their own personalities. But as you get to know them, they get know you, and even respond with body langauge.

They're just amazing. They're little acrobats too ;P With their whole jumping routine.
Hello! This is my first posting, and what better way, then to add to the long list of great traits for bettas.

As many have said before me, the personality is the biggest thing of all! I was fotunate to take care of a sorely neglected betta at one time. His former owner decided to leave him behind for 2 months locked away in her room. No food, no fresh water for 2 months! When she returned he was still alive in less then 2 cm of water that was sickly smothered in algae.

She then decided to give him to me, and what a boon! I have never seen a fish with more personality. He would watch we from across the room, and when i got up to move he would flare his gills with a "Stay back, this is MY house!" Look. I had him for 4 years after that, and enjoyed every moment around him. It was like loosing a treasured dog or cat when he pass away a couple months ago.

Sorry for the chatty story, just like to share my memorys with other that would appreciate it. :D

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