Why Dont People Listen


channa aka snakehead
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
Bournemouth Dorset / Medellin Colombia
Went the other day to local fish shop...............one lady asked for a male betta..........then went to the females and asked for 3 females.............i said are you keeping them together?yes why........so i exsplained but woman in fish shop<owner>said there fine to keep together.............i said errrrrr no and told my situation.......they wouldnt listen.........then over heard woman say she had 1male n 3 females be4 and females sudd died............wonder why..........but lfs said dont worry there be ok........ :grr: i had male n fems together and carnage,,,,,,,,
what a load of rubbish they are called fighting fish for a reason wat a stupid fish shop owner
I saw a bunch of shredded females in a tank yesterday, actually a GOLDFISH tank at the petstore. Think 6" goldfish. Looking further, in the SAME tank I saw a MALE veiltail going bezerk, attacking everything.

Strange, I had never seen a DT veiltail either and he was quite gorgoeus, the two lobes of his tail looked like the swallowtails of a butterfly. Thankfully it was a very planted tank otherwise it would have been even worse.

But, needless to say this was in a shop that is normally very good with fish and especially marine fish, I looked around for someone to talk to but only teenagers were there, and they were playing wtih puppies:))
I saw a bunch of shredded females in a tank yesterday, actually a GOLDFISH tank at the petstore. Think 6" goldfish. Looking further, in the SAME tank I saw a MALE veiltail going bezerk, attacking everything.

Strange, I had never seen a DT veiltail either and he was quite gorgoeus, the two lobes of his tail looked like the swallowtails of a butterfly. Thankfully it was a very planted tank otherwise it would have been even worse.

But, needless to say this was in a shop that is normally very good with fish and especially marine fish, I looked around for someone to talk to but only teenagers were there, and they were playing wtih puppies:))
would love a betta but not sure how easy they are to keep :blink:
i keep seeing local fish shops, all their other fish will be beautiful, well kept, healthy, fins intact
but not the bettas, oh no, they'll be in with huge amounts of male guppies, or in with very large gourami's who've decided that poor betta is now breakfast.

so many shreaded tails :(

there was a gorgeous purple one i saw, but i couldn't tell what tail type it was the poor thing was so shreaded, he had been in with gouramis. all their tanks were full, so i got him moved to a platy tank, not ideal, but better than large gouramis trying to eat him.
Yea i hate pet shop people too, in just kinda shuv them out of teh way unless they display some kind of knowledge about fish. Me an my mom were looking for fish to stock her 50g tank with and as soon as we mentioned 50g, they wanted to sell us a package of 3 oscars and 2 blood parrots :D
Man.. I must be lucky.. I have three goldfish and the guy at Petco nearly chewed my face off about getting the tank cycled before putting them in when I first got them. I already knew that, but it was nice to have someone act so vehement about it :)

The guy at Clark Feed and Seed is a total betta guru, too.. and he appreciates the true beauty of the female betta :lol:
I have a kinda silly question. I'm trying to learn all the different tail types on bettas. I've been doing alot of reading and studying the last week. Synirr what type is Sarafino? I've noticed out of my 7 males two are pretty different than the others. Thanks everyone
I have a kinda silly question. I'm trying to learn all the different tail types on bettas. I've been doing alot of reading and studying the last week. Synirr what type is Sarafino? I've noticed out of my 7 males two are pretty different than the others. Thanks everyone
Serafino is a veil tail :)
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