Why do post get closed?


New Member
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Just what the topic says. I am a new member and love the forum, just wondering why you close the post that everyone reads and replies too? I have never started a topic so it obviously wasnt my post that got closed, but i enjoy reading and adding my opions in these debates. If one person ruins it all, why not just block that user, or remove his post. Or is the forum gettin too full and your doin it to save spce or something? Can anyone explain please?
ecause people can get rude, and out of hand. Then a moderator closes it. If there are personal threats, name calling, or if there is a lot of back and forth flaming going around it gets closed. Sometimes the person who started it asks for it to be closed
thanks for fast reply man. Yea i understand now, but its a shame the the flamers get what they want. I can be sarcastic at times, but thats just when all these ppl gang up on somebody for having a small tank, or a stupid question. Can't we all just get along
Can we get along? Quite simply, no. This is not the friendliest forum around, despite what others may tell you. No place where people from different backgrounds, different view points and the ability to remain just a screen name and an avatar pic without ever having it known who they really are will ever get along. People can be nice, yes, but they can also be mean, and try not to get discouraged when you post every now and again and you never get an answer, or you get a genaric answer and then no one ever posts again. Anyhoo, welcome to the forum...
There isn't many threads get closed on here,if arguments break out ,someone is always there to sort it :thumbs:
NinjaSmurf said:
Can we get along? Quite simply, no. This is not the friendliest forum around, despite what others may tell you.
That's a matter of personal opinion. This is the best forum that I have found and the friendliest.

I've come across a few nutters (who hasn't) but the moderators have always helped me out just fine.
Hi jimmihendrix :hi:

NinjaSmurf, u should try going on a public gamming forum then u would know that this site is bliss compared to them type of forums. there is so much trolling and bitching its a nightmare.

From what ive seen of this forum it is the nicest place to be, if u dont like it well thats ur opinion :)

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