Why Do People Do This..

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I hadnt thought about the notification of PMs being turned off..s'a good point.

And I didnt realise that your posts dont go up in BSS..learn something new every day..

Oh and BTT..PM'd back.

Yeah in other sections they may PM information rather then post it if it is against the board rules (IE posting a link to another forum).
yeah its in the general rules:

"No promoting of other competing sites either in the forum, chat room or private message system. In the event of receiving such spam messages, please report the incident to a member of the moderating team."

Makes it kind of hard when there is really good information somewhere and you arent allowed to post a link to it. Not sure how many mods really enforce it though.
Hi xxBarneyxx :)

Let me explain that a bit since it does seem confusing to some members,

While we have no problem at all with members posting links to informational articles found on the web, we do often object to direct links made to threads or posts in other forums. We have been known to make exceptions when the question pertains to specific, detailed information that cannot be summed up for posting here, and none of our members might have that knowledge themselves. The need for this exception would most likely be in the species forums, for example if someone is successfully breeding a newly discovered fish and its needs are different from others similar to it.

We never allow links to general forums just to let other members know they're out there.
Hi Inch.... How's about I got all TFH mags from 1974 through to About 1992/3..... If there is a pic in there to ID a specific fish for someone,,,, Can the scan be posted..... Or even scanned sections of articles....?
Hi Ludwig Venter :)

If it's properly cited, a picture or small section of an article would be fine, and is not in violation of TFF rules which are specific to other forums.

I'm not an expert on copyright laws and am not sure how they would pertain to this. It's best to use caution, I would think.
Hi Ludwig Venter :)

If it's properly cited, a picture or small section of an article would be fine, and is not in violation of TFF rules which are specific to other forums.

I'm not an expert on copyright laws and am not sure how they would pertain to this. It's best to use caution, I would think.

Methinks,... As long as I give them credit.... (is usually the norm)
My understanding of this (going on UK law, and I imagine US law is similar, not sure about SA) is that what you mentioned would infringe coryright rules.

I believe copyright law in the UK says that one copy can be made for personal use only, however any multiple copying, or broadcasting to the general public (which this would be) is not allowed.

Like Inchy, I'm no expert, but that is the way I understand it.
people really care what their post count is? why is that? do you get special bennefits or something?

You get nothing - some people are just sad, and they think that because they have a high post count, they are a reliable & informative member.

Some people are really sad and really do care about their post count. :huh:

However I will catch Aaron up one day. This post will add 1 to the total so maybe in 20 years I will be more reliable and informative than Aaron :nerd: :hey: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

However I will catch Aaron up one day. This post will add 1 to the total so maybe in 20 years I will be more reliable and informative than Aaron

except your post count doesnt go up in this section ;) :lol:

EDIT: i didnt realise i had that many posts :blink:
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