Why do my posts look different than evryone's?

Guppy Mama

Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2003
Reaction score
Hi. I have a question about posting. I have been using the forum for sometime now, and have found it really helpful. I am curious about the envelope to the left of posts that indicates whether the post has been read, if it's a hot topic, etc.

Mine always has a green circle on the envelope. Is this because it is me, because nobody (alas) looked at....I wonder if it just shows you your own posts, as nobody else I see has it! I am wondering if inhibits people from reading my posts.

I have needed some help recently, so I want to be sure people are able to help me. Any clue?

Thanks! :sad:
It means that you have posted a message in that thread. Now if I look at the list, I will have that mark against this thread because I entered this message.
Hmmmmm, I'm STILL confused :*) !!

Thanks for asking that question, many of us are wondering the same thing.....maybe this could be pinned with a little more information added in the forum suggestions thread!??? :/

There is a green envelope on some Topics that I've never posted in.... :unsure:
You guys are great. Thank you! I was boggled. I am also glad to hear that I wasn't the only one wondering.

Three cheers to the fish forums, and happy fish keeping!
Now I have to figure out how to make my topics more appealing to reply to, since nothing is wrong with my little envelope! HA!
Thanks a million, Guppy Mama :wub:

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