Why Do My Plants Die?

You should be able to grow healthy plants without special lighting or CO2. Of course, if you want a really stunning planted tank like you see on the planted tank forum, then you'll need to investigate these things - but you can have an attractive planted tank with the setup you've got. You do need to feed your plants - either with a liquid fertiliser, following the instructions carefully, an initial dose and then a top-up every water change - or with tablets (etc.), again following the instructions and making a note of when they need replacing. They will get nitrates from the fish waste, but they also need other elements to stay healthy, and there may not be enough of these in your water. Aquarium plant feed generally doesn't contain nitrate, just these missing elements.

Different plants suit different set-ups - there is a list on the planted tanks forum giving the preferred conditions for many common species:

[topic="22604"]Common Aquarium Plants[/topic]

You'll find that there are just some plants that work for you and some that don't, and you will lose a few, regardless of how carefully you choose and care for them.

When you say your plants get eaten, what is eating them? I don't think white clouds or harlequins would eat most plants. Is it snails (check the sides of the tank an hour or so after dark)? Are you just assuming that they're being eaten because the leaves disintegrate? This could be because they're not aquatic plants, or because you're not feeding them and they need certain minerals. I would suggest you buy some labelled varieties if you can find a shop that sells them, and try again with feeding.
pippoodle - tank pics = WOW, how'd you get Amano to do your tank!!!
And what's the blue tornado-shaped thing on the far left?
His trademark?

Ok i'm confused who's Amano the only Amano i know is the shrimp in my tank lmao
I did the tank myself
The blue thing is a blue apple snail

here's a link to the pics of it http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=261121

cheers Sarah xxx

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