Why did You join ?


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 2, 2020
Reaction score
The information on this forum is great and must help so many people myself included, my question is why did people join what emergency happened or what did you need to know that made you join here , and for the members that don’t need help ,the ones who without fail will have the solution or answer what made you want to pass on knowledge and help people ? I joined because I was keeping fish for years , get a tank and put fish in , I was copying my dad , when my dad died I had his tanks and fish , think my first ever tank had a redtail catfish , I was 13-14 and my memory of it was my dad used to bath it in our actual bath .. tht was obviously just to do water changes and tank cleans , it wasn’t until my twenties I actually started taking the hobby serious and wanted to do it right .... well not right but in a more informed way and struggled googling information I thought I needed and filtering through hours of useless internet pages until the problem goes , trial and error has thought me what not to do but very rarely taught me what to do , so I needed actually people who had been doing this longer than Iv been born and or had far more knowledge than myself so I found you guys , it’s far easier to ask somebody who knows who has nothing to gain other than helping .. not dropping any names on here but some members have so much information on the hobby it baffles me lol
I want someone to id a mysterious fish that comes in the bag with kuhli loaches.

I thought it was going to be throwaway account so I name myself Barry, I end up stucked in this forum, checking notification every hour.
I want someone to id a mysterious fish that comes in the bag with kuhli loaches.

I thought it was going to be throwaway account so I name myself Barry, I end up stucked in this forum, checking notification every hour.
I love that , so I named myself Barry ? Yeah if I knew I was gonna stick around I’d of come up with a better name than mine
I wouldn’t change it if I was you it has character, I mean who else is Barry on here
Hi Guy and Barry. Lol :yahoo:

Anyway, sorry to hear that your dad passed away when you were still a teenager.
I feel very sorry for people who lost their dad or mum when they were still young..
I can't imagine someone growing without a father or mother.
If you ever need any advice in life, do reach out to us...(anything in life and not only fish)...
Hi Guy and Barry. Lol :yahoo:

Anyway, sorry to hear that your dad passed away when you were still a teenager.
I feel very sorry for people who lost their dad or mum when they were still young..
I can't imagine someone growing without a father or mother.
If you ever need any advice in life, do reach out to us...(anything in life and not only fish)...
I think that’s why got me into fish , young kids always want to copy there dads and after he passed it was just a memory thing , wasn’t till 10 years after I actually thought these poor fish I honestly thought the life expectancy of a fish was 1-3 years .... now I know yeah maybe some tetra but the cichlids I keep could live 10-20 years if kept correctly lol
I was a Mod on another forum, for years...started out as a newbie, with no clue what I was doing, and was taught on that forum all I know about fishkeeping, and eventually became a Mod there...the owner/admin of that forum disappeared, the site started having all sorts of issues (spammers/bots/etc), and it eventually died down to no activity...someone there mentioned this site, and that's why I'm here, to share and to learn, because I love fishkeeping.
.started out as a newbie, with no clue what I was doing, and was taught on that forum all I know about fishkeeping, and eventually became a Mod there...
That sounds like me!

I joined a few forums at the same time as my pH had crashed and didn't know why. I liked this one so I stayed here.
I joined because the dumbos on "another forum" kicked me off for saying Tom Brady didn't cheat and the NFL has bigger problems to deal with. Yes this actually happened. I'm sorry for being so blunt but THIS IS THE TRUTH. Thats why I joined. I was lonely and needed friends.

Edited as we don't mention the names of rival forums
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